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The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Role of the ACT Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Role of the ACT Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Role of the ACT Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment Presentation to students University of Canberra Mr Robert Neil ACT Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment 18 October 2012

2 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment Legislation and first Commissioner 1993 (20 years in 2013) Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment Act, 1993 One of two in Australia – only a few in the world Independent of government though funded by ACT Government

3 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government 2012 Amendment to the ACT The Act amended May 2012, introduced objects: – Ecologically sustainable development – Intergenerational equity Ecologically sustainable development (ACT)- the effective integration of economic and environmental considerations in decision-making processes achievable through implementation of the following principles: (a) the precautionary principle; (b) the inter-generational equity principle; (c) conservation of biological diversity and ecological integrity; (d) improved valuation and pricing of environmental resources

4 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government The Office and its people Small office – 6 staff Many different professional backgrounds, training and experience: – Environment – International Relations – Development Studies – Law – Education – Communication In common, passion/commitment to: – protecting our environment – Increasing sustainability – Encouraging and facilitating positive change – Being vigilant, tenacious, creative and hard working!

5 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government The role of the Office Main functions of the Office: o Responding to community complaints o Advocating for the environment and increased sustainability o Investigations – instigated by the Minister or the Commissioner o Reporting: ACT SoER, Regional SoER Role – investigating, monitoring, reporting Not policy-making or compliance Key strength/ capacity: o Recommendations to ACT Government

6 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Responding to community complaints Investigating complaints about: Management of the environment by the Territory or a territory authority; and Issues relating to ecologically sustainable development in the ACT

7 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Advocacy: encouraging awareness, behaviour change, policy and action

8 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Investigations

9 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Lake Burley Griffin: water quality

10 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government ACT State of the Environment Report

11 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government ACT Ecological footprint

12 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Urban development

13 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Waste generation Total ACT population and total waste generated, 1993-94 to 2010-11

14 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Energy use ACT Greenhouse Gas Emissions

15 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Water use

16 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government BUYING CHOICES: Dr Sarah Ryan Fresh tomatoes  6 kg pa  Mostly grown in Queensland using natural rain  Mostly sold in supermarkets Processed tomatoes  20 kg pa (12 kg Australian)  Mostly grown in Victoria using irrigation & in Italy  Mostly sold in supermarkets and used in fast food 575 g jar of Dolmio© pasta sauce Ridoutt et al. (2009) Water footprinting at the product brand level: case study and future challenges.

17 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Consumption attitudes and values: Dr David Pearson Supermarket Consumers Desires and outcomes Australian Food and Grocery Council & Netbalance Pty Ltd, 2010. Green Shopper Summary Report

18 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government Key challenges for the ACT Managing consumption Increasing sustainability of the city & managing development Valuing and maintaining our extensive green space Building resilience and working with our community to achieve: better understanding of ecologically sustainable development better and more coordinated policy and practice behavioural change across all sectors

19 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government In summary The role of the Office is largely investigating, monitoring and reporting to government and the community We have no policy-making or compliance role Government must respond to recommendations but the Commissioner has no power to enforce action Advocating for the environment and sustainability is now within the legislation and an important part of the work of the Office Intergenerational equity is a central consideration in progressing and assessing sustainable development

20 The office is independent of, but funded by the ACT Government For contacting us The Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment Email: Phone: 6207 2626 Website:

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