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Team Empirical Stephen Lockerbie Jonathon Kisner Veera Olkinoura.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Empirical Stephen Lockerbie Jonathon Kisner Veera Olkinoura."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Empirical Stephen Lockerbie Jonathon Kisner Veera Olkinoura

2 Test Information

3 Test Parameters Location o A-Building Lobby Equipment o Laptop o Stopwatch o Questionnaires

4 Test Parameters 1.Tester was given a short instruction list 2.Tester was then instructed to play the game 3.After the time expired or “End of Demo” was reached, tester was asked to fill in a short questionnaire.

5 Test Results

6 Age Distribution of Test Group

7 Facebook Use

8 Computer Skill

9 Ease of Use

10 Presentation – Graphics

11 Presentation – Sound

12 Future Interest

13 Test Review and Conclusions

14 Test Method Review Strengths o Very quick test o Fairly large test pool (25) o Good feedback on quality Weaknesses o Restricted feedback from testers o Ambiguity in some questions o Test environment o Test was time based (2 min)

15 Conclusions Main game requires development User Interface o Needs more ‘next-step’ indicators o Needs more inter-connection Resources Buildings Overall quality is good Public interest is high

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