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American Chemical Society 1 Division Allocation: Current Formula ACS Bylaws state that 9% of the ACS Member Dues Pool is allocated to the technical divisions.

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Presentation on theme: "American Chemical Society 1 Division Allocation: Current Formula ACS Bylaws state that 9% of the ACS Member Dues Pool is allocated to the technical divisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Chemical Society 1 Division Allocation: Current Formula ACS Bylaws state that 9% of the ACS Member Dues Pool is allocated to the technical divisions. Allotment Category Base: 12.5% Per Member: 12.5% Innovative Projects: 10% Total Programming: 65%

2 American Chemical Society 2 Division Allocation: Proposed Formula Allotment CategoryCurrentProposed Base: 12.5%15% Per Member: 12.5%12.5% Innovative Projects: 10%10% Total Programming: 65%62.5% Changed designed to provide more funding to small divisions and is anticipated to enable programming of 1 - 2 additional sessions per year

3 American Chemical Society 3 Average % Change per Division Class Division Types Class I (less than 2000 members):AGRO, BMGT, CARB, CATL, CELL, CHAL, CHAS, CINF, FLUO, GEOC, HIST, NUCL, PROF, RUBB, SCHB, TOXI Class II (2000 to 3499 members): AGFD, BIOT, COLL, COMP, ENFL Class III (3500 or more members): ANYL, BIOL, CHED, ENVR, I&EC, INOR, MEDI, ORGN, PHYS, PMSE, POLY SizeDifference Class I+6.77% Class II+0.07% Class III-1.15%

4 American Chemical Society 4 Motion DAC moves that Council approve this revised formula for allocating dues funds to the divisions, effective with allocations for 2015 division performance.

5 2017 National Meeting Themes (Proposed) Spring, San Francisco Advanced Materials, Technologies, Systems and Processes Fall, Washington, DC Chemistry's Impact on the Global Economy American Chemical Society 5

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