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Digital Signage Interface Sam Thistleton. Editing and adding content Interface- Once logged in this will be the screen you will see. It looks daunting,

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Signage Interface Sam Thistleton. Editing and adding content Interface- Once logged in this will be the screen you will see. It looks daunting,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Signage Interface Sam Thistleton

2 Editing and adding content Interface- Once logged in this will be the screen you will see. It looks daunting, but you don’t need to worry about a lot of the options.

3 Types of content you can edit If you click into this area it gives you a breakdown of the areas that will be shown on the screen. Here we can see there is: -Background -Media -News -Weather -Crawl -Clock

4 Types of content you can edit Some of these things don’t need to be edited regularly. For example, the weather, clock and news. But for others such as Media and the Crawl. Staff may want to update this on a regular basis to keep it current.

5 How to add Media Media can be added though the resources menu Next select where the media is coming from It will then appear in the bank, ready for use.

6 How to add Media Now you have media in your bank, it’s a simple case of dragging it form the bank to the media timeline. You can adjust the length of time each picture plays for.

7 How to change the Crawl The Crawl is the text information at the bottom of the screen. This can be edited by double click on on the ‘Rss feed’ aslongside ‘Cawl’

8 From here you can change you scrolling speed, color and font. At the bottom of the interface you can add multiple messages and chose the one you wish to display for that day.

9 Editing the news By double clicking on the news section you have the option to add you own school news. Or you can have top stories from BBC news.

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