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Sport Psychology What is it??!. Today’s objectives All learners will… Contribute at least 1 thought as to what sport psychology is Discuss what the topic.

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Presentation on theme: "Sport Psychology What is it??!. Today’s objectives All learners will… Contribute at least 1 thought as to what sport psychology is Discuss what the topic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sport Psychology What is it??!

2 Today’s objectives All learners will… Contribute at least 1 thought as to what sport psychology is Discuss what the topic will entail Contribute at least 1 idea as to what personality is Write at least 3 important influences personality could have on sport that they have observed in the video clip Contribute on small discussion regarding the relevant of personality in sport Evaluate the main measurement of personality used in sport psychology Some learners will… Contribute to class discussions surrounding personality and sport psychology Start to consider what real life application could be used within this section of the topic

3 So, what is Sport Psychology? Relatively new discipline within psychology Mainly in the US rather than UK due to structure of sport ~ e.g. grounded in schools and colleges a lot more Arguments as to where it belongs….with psychology or sport!

4 3 main areas Clinical ~ dealing with emotional or behavioural problems (addiction, depression etc) Research ~ theories of sport ~ very practical in that it is then applied Educational ~ supporting sports practioners and coaches to become more effective o Improve performance o Team building exercises o Supporting coaches

5 So… Sport and the individual o Personality o Aggression o Motivation Social psychology of Sport o Group cohesion o Audience effects o Leadership and coaching Exercise Psychology o Exercise pathology o Exercise and mental health o Issues in exercise and sport

6 Sport and the Individual 1.Personality a.Measures b.Theories c.Relevance Thoughts….. What is ‘personality’? How can someone's personality impact on their sport performance?

7 Personality Intro Hard to define it! Dynamic not static Some suggestions…. Disposition Who they are Inbuilt character How they behave / think / feel Combination of characteristics and qualities Identity Psyche

8 1a. Measures Many many measures out there! BBC Big Five Have a look and have a go! Obviously…. Problems??? Difficulty is measuring and Cattell (1956) has been the most successful…

9 1. Personality…. “those relatively stable and enduring aspects of individuals which distinguish them from other people, making them unique, but which at the same time allow people to be compared with each other” Gross (1996) Make a few notes on the following clip as to how personality could have an impact on sport Importance of Psychology in Sport

10 Cattell (1956) ~ 16PF Read the measure… make some notes Developed … personality related words in 1936 = 18000 4500 adjectives ~ observable and permanent traits Cattell ~ 181clusters asked subjects to rate people they knew using the list Factor analysis (analysis to understand the underlying common factors of many variables) ~ 12 factors, additional 4 added

11 16PF cont… Dimensions along which athletes personality can be measured Personality profile Copyrighted so need to either pay or gain consent to use ~ meaning it is standardised

12 Evaluation ? Thoughts…. ? Can personality be accurately defined?? ? Would it produce similar results? ? Any specific group? ? Has been applied to many other research studies ~ how could be potentially use the results? ? Social desirability apparent? ? Issues with self report? Consider…. 1.Validity 2.Reliability 3.Ethnocentricity 4.Usefulness 5.Nature / nurture 6.Reductionism

13 Real Life… How important is this research to the real world? How can it be used? Consider specific examples of where you think this measurement of personality could be implemented ADDITIONAL (homework) ~ read the other measures in the text book ~ what comparisons and contrasts can you make between them and the 16PF? ~ make some notes to help with exam prep

14 Today … All learners have… Contributed at least 1 thought as to what sport psychology is Discussed what the topic will entail Contributed at least 1 idea as to what personality is Written at least 3 important influences personality could have on sport that they have observed in the video clip Contributed on small discussion regarding the relevant of personality in sport Evaluated the main measurement of personality used in sport psychology Some learners have… Contributed to class discussions surrounding personality and sport psychology Started to consider what real life application could be used within this section of the topic

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