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Bell Work 8/31/15 When you cannot determine customer’s intended price range, what price level of product should you show ? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work 8/31/15 When you cannot determine customer’s intended price range, what price level of product should you show ? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work 8/31/15 When you cannot determine customer’s intended price range, what price level of product should you show ? Why?

2 Chapt. 14

3 Excuses Reasons for not buying or seeing the salesman.

4 Common Objections Need – Conflict between need and want. Product – Objections about quality, size, easy to use, color etc… Source – Negative past experiences with company or brand.

5 Common Objections Price – “That’s more than I want to spend.” Time – Hesitations to buy immediately. “Love this jacket but it’s July.”

6 Superior Point Method Permits the salesperson to acknowledge the objections as valid yet still off-set them something with other features and benefits.

7 Boomerang Brings the objection back to the customer as a selling point. Salesperson must be careful not to sound as if you are trying to outwit the customer.

8 Layman’s Terms Words that the average customer can understand. Use descriptive adjectives, avoid slang, use layman’s terms.


10 Paraphrasing Restating an objection in a different way.

11 Four-Step Method for handling Objections. Listen carefully Acknowledge objections Restate objection Answer objection

12 Third-Party Using a previous customer giving a testimonial about the product.

13 Price-Range When you don’t know your customer’s price range, and knowledge of the intended use is not enough to determine price range you should begin with medium-priced product.

14 Substitution Recommending a different product

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