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0 How & Why Do Explanation Videos Work? And Do They? Jörn Loviscach.

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Presentation on theme: "0 How & Why Do Explanation Videos Work? And Do They? Jörn Loviscach."— Presentation transcript:

1 0 How & Why Do Explanation Videos Work? And Do They? Jörn Loviscach

2 1 Khan-style videos

3 2 Udacity CS222 (2012)

4 3

5 4

6 5

7 6 1981 Donald E. Knuth

8 7 Khan-style videos Teaching done by the book! Mayer. Multimedia Learning. Cambridge, 2009. Reduction in content and presentation Speech & drawing: two channels Informal and “personal”

9 8 Study on edX MOOCs More intensive use if < 6 min Show lecturer, from time to time Audience appreciates informal style: Khan wins over PowerPoint Don’t speak too slow Guo/Kim/Rubin. How video production affects student engagement: an empirical study of MOOC videos. Learning @ Scale 2014.

10 9 Ideas from sociology Joint attention Parasocial relationships

11 10 Illusions of learning Star professor effect Carpenter et al. Appearances can be deceiving. Psych. B&R, 2013. Dr Fox effect Natuflin et al. The Doctor Fox Lecture. J Med Education, 1973. Hardened misunderstandings Muller. Designing effective multimedia for physics education. PhD Th., 2008. „Amount of Invested Mental Effort“ Salomon. Television is “easy” and print is “tough”. J Ed Psychology, 1984. „Desirable Difficulties“ Bjork et al. Self-Regulated Learning. Annu Rev Psych, 2013.

12 11

13 12 Forums?

14 13 Interleaved quizzes?

15 14 Integrated quizzes?

16 15 Matthew effect Who are the students … to post on the forum? to take non-compulsory quizzes? to have the grit to solve more demanding quizzes/problems? For unto every one that hath shall be given.

17 16 Where to go from here Blended approaches, e.g., flipped teaching Longer, complex videos Videos with mistakes and errors Lecturer as model … but the Matthew effect remains.

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