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Professional Development Collaborative Learning Teamwork and Commitment is key to success.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development Collaborative Learning Teamwork and Commitment is key to success."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development Collaborative Learning Teamwork and Commitment is key to success.

2 What do we know about our students’ academic performance? CAHSEE results show that 69.6% of all ECV students are not proficient in reading and writing. Currently, ECVHS has 853 English Learners enrolled. Over 1,300 students speak another language at home.

3 How did our English Learners perform on the 2006-2007 CAHSEE? Results in English: 83.2% not proficient 14.8% proficient 2% advanced Results in math: 68% not proficient 25.4% proficient 6.6% advanced

4 What can we do to increase student achievement? WASC recommends… facilitating students working together in pairs, 3s, and 4s. employing instructional strategies that increase student participation. articulating daily learning outcomes to students either verbally or by posting them visibly in the classroom. checking for understanding to ensure all students are learning.

5 ECV Commitments Commitment 1: Articulate daily learning outcomes. Commitment 2: Continue to teach academic reading strategies in all content areas. Commitment 3: Increase student’s participation in collaborative learning environments. Commitment 4: “A page a day” (Continue to challenge students by requiring daily notes).

6 Why did we choose to professionally develop teachers by subject area? 1.Facilitating collaborative learning might be different for each subject area. 2.Teachers from common disciplines can work together to explore effective ways to implement collaborative learning in the school day.

7 Learning Outcomes Explore the importance of collaborative learning. Discuss different ways to engage students in collaborative learning. Establish a variety of ways to assess and monitor collaborative work.

8 Think-Pair-Share Considering our subject area, what types of group activities might we ask our students to do?

9 Small Group Discussion Why might we have our students work collaboratively? What are some challenges that teachers face when implementing collaborative groups?

10 Structuring Collaborative Learning The process of setting up and implementing collaborative groups requires preparation and explicit instruction from the teacher.

11 Think-Pair-Share What are some ways to facilitate/ manage successful collaborative groups?

12 Think-Pair-Share What are some ways to measure and assess both individual and group progress?

13 Q and A 1. How often should we engage students in collaborative learning activities? Students should work collaboratively in every class, every day. The activities do not have to be fully developed group projects. Do you have other questions?

14 Thank you for your participation. Good luck with your collaborative learning activities. Please contact Jonathan LeMaster for more support.

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