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Operations & Maintenance Working Together. To CP4 and beyond...

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Presentation on theme: "Operations & Maintenance Working Together. To CP4 and beyond..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operations & Maintenance Working Together

2 To CP4 and beyond...

3 A Match Made in Heaven? Understanding needs of both parties Ops - Mtce Not ideal. Not Engineering led Differing priorities? Responding to incidents is a priority for both Ops and mtc. Sometimes we don’t realise it Compliance is not an Ops priority that can conflict with mtce resources, priorities (sticking to our plan & budget!) Communication bridges to build At levels of the organisation. CC in place, joint meetings relationships between Team Leaders and IC is not good enough – to individual, inconsistent – one standard one way. The question is asked more than once and by more than one person every day. The answer should be accurate to the point and adhered too Customer facing/Non Customer facing Ops in the front line. Mtce 1 step back but understand & engaged support Ops and the customer. Challenging targets and objectives Sustaining current performance is challenging enough – challenge is accepted it always has been!


5 How we are delivering AGM/IMDM relationship Daily CC, Direct contact Sharing of issues and concerns No surprises, informed and appropriate mitigating actions, full visibility Delivery unit review meetings Embedded; deliver customer and ops focused initiatives, mtce problems – difficulties explained solutions agreed, supported as necessary Localised decision making Effective at high level introduced MMIC & OMIC Understanding of the customers business Listen to customers needs, receptive to ideas problem areas - solutions Ability to identify and respond quickly to the real issues Daily CC – local intervention Attention to detail Some way to go. Achieving one standard FMS / consistent response Free flowing two way communication every day CC ADG Opportunity to constantly challenge one another We do this well but don’t always follow up learn the lesson and embed it in our daily work routines

6 How we are delivering Performance review process engineered to meet our customers needs. Mtce daily CC with all Engineers, OPS, Repeat failure management, MTBF, DSLF, root cause & Trend analysis of all assets and asset types 650 Volts cable isometer testing programme RCM increasing fitment and proactive use Trackwatch system investigation A robust performance plan reviewed regularly Daily focus, proactive view and actions, 4 weekly formal review or more frequent if deemed necessary Sharing of information on high risk possessions Critical possessions reviewed with ops and TOC/FOC for essential work. New standards increased time to install S & C possession times are reduced.

7 Challenges Ahead Meeting rising customer expectations Erosion of access opportunities Mtce, Renewal, Quicker, smarter possessions late running trains policy. More exacting Eng stds / reducing time Fault response / access – after service / inefficient ROTR squeezing Section 5 blocks mtce don’t plan, can’t plan / defects arising – handing back access More trains, longer trains, heavier trains Impact on track condition, Mtce opportunity reduced / resources reduced Ability to use Tampers particularly in S & C Reduction in resources Fewer fault teams, Avoiding complacency Together, recognising, owning managing what we have discussed

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