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Pantelis presence in Cyprus and European fashion scene is outstanding. He is a senior lecturer in the Fashion Department of Alexander College and also.

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Presentation on theme: "Pantelis presence in Cyprus and European fashion scene is outstanding. He is a senior lecturer in the Fashion Department of Alexander College and also."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pantelis presence in Cyprus and European fashion scene is outstanding. He is a senior lecturer in the Fashion Department of Alexander College and also the president of Designer’s association of Cyprus.Alexander CollegeDesigner’s association of Cyprus. Pantelis presence in Cyprus and European fashion scene is outstanding. He is a senior lecturer in the Fashion Department of Alexander College and also the president of Designer’s association of Cyprus.Alexander CollegeDesigner’s association of Cyprus.

2 Pantelis Panteli has visited the Fashion Department of Larnaca Technical School as a silent partner to the Leonardo program. He gave a lecture on “Fashion and the Fashion designer”.

3 He presented his work and offered his advice on the collections the students are designing for the Leonardo project. Such activities which bring the work and market world close to education are encouraged by education authorities.





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