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Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 CCSS-M: Fractions Part 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 CCSS-M: Fractions Part 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 CCSS-M: Fractions Part 2

2 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 We are learning to:  Represent fractions on a number line  Use reasoning strategies to order and compare fractions  Read and interpret the cluster of CCSS standards related to fractions Success Criteria:  Clearly explain and provide examples for specific CCSS-M fraction standards

3 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 What do you know about a number line that goes from 0 to 4?  0 4

4 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011  Make connections between activity and the standard 3NF2a.  On your Standards Interpretation Sheet rephrase this standard and provide an example. Share with your partner.

5 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 On your slate draw another number line from 0 to 1 that shows fourths. Mark ¾ on your number line. Explain to your shoulder partner how you marked ¾. 01

6 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 On your Standards Interpretation Sheet rephrase this standard and provide an example. Share with your partner.

7 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 Draw two number lines from 0 to 4. Use whole numbers & fractions to show parts on the number line.  # line 1 show sequential reasoning  # line 2 show proportional reasoning Is it harder when you have to mark fractions? Why?

8 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011

9 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011

10 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 On your slate, draw a number line from 0 to 1.  Use proportional thinking to place and on the number line.

11 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011.

12 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011  Place the whole fraction strip that represents 0 to 1 on a sheet of paper. Draw a line labeling 0 and 1.  Lay out your fraction strips, one at a time, and make a tally mark on the line you drew. Write the fractions below the tally mark.  Look for patterns to help you decide if two fractions are equivalent.

13 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 Which fractions are equivalent? How do you know?

14 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 On your Standards Interpretation Sheet rephrase this standard and provide an example. Share with your partner. Do the same process for 4NF1.

15 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011

16 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011  On your slate, provide an example of comparing fractions as described in this standard.  Share with your partner.

17 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 Compare Fractions by Reasoning about their Size  More of the same-size parts.  Same number of parts but different sizes.  More or less than one-half or one whole.  Distance from one-half or one whole (residual strategy–What’s missing?)

18 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 1. 1/4, 1/2, 1/9, 1/5, 1/100 2. 3/15, 3/9, 3/4, 3/5, 3/12 3. 24/25, 7/18, 8/15, 7/8

19 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 Ordering Fractions 1) Write each fraction on a post it note. 2) Write 0, ½, 1, and 1 ½ on a post it note and place them on the number as benchmark fractions. 3) Taking turns, each person: Places one fraction on the number line & explains their reasoning about the size of the fraction.

20 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 Ordering Fractions 3/83/106/5 7/477/10025/26 7/1513/2417/12 8/3 16/17 5/3

21 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011 Summarize how you used reasoning strategies to compare and order fractions based on their size.

22 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011  On your Standards Interpretation Sheet rephrase this standard and provide an example. Share with your partner.

23 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Summer Institute 2011  Discuss the progression of the standards we did today. Is the progression logical?  Discuss how the standards effect classroom practice. What will need to change?

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