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11/5/2015 What did Hippocrates say was the cure to all diseases? What do you think? Would that work?

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Presentation on theme: "11/5/2015 What did Hippocrates say was the cure to all diseases? What do you think? Would that work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 11/5/2015 What did Hippocrates say was the cure to all diseases? What do you think? Would that work?

2 10/30/2014 HAPPY HALLOWEEN TOMORROW! In your life, what scares you? What has been your scariest experience ever!?


4 P HILIP II OF M ACEDON Greece declined but Macedon became stronger 359 B.C. – Philip II became king Hired troops to make the best army thus far Phalanx: rows of soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder with 18 foot long spears

5 With his army, he restored order in Macedon Then turned to Greece The city-states fell one by one Soon he controlled all of Greece Then turned to Persia BUT, before he could leave, he was killed

6 A LEXANDER THE G REAT Son of Philip II Raised in the army Student of Aristotle Strong, brave, and courageous Had the next best army in history His troops loved him

7 331 B.C. – Alexander completely destroyed Persia He moved even farther east, determined to conquer India Got as far as the Indus River, but his soldiers got tired

8 They headed home Half the troops went through the desert A lot died through exposure and lack of food Half went by the sea 323 B.C. – discontent spread Alexander became ill and died in June 323 B.C.

9 T HE F ALL OF A LEXANDER ’ S E MPIRE 3 Generals divided the empire Macedon, Egypt, and Syria 200 B.C. – Roman legions invaded and conquered most of Alexander’s original empire


11 T HE S PREAD OF G REEK C ULTURE In 13 years, Alexander almost never lost He purposely spread Greek culture everywhere Made it easier to rule and keep people together Hellenistic culture: “Greek-like” way of life that combined ideas of the Mediterranean and Asia

12 L EARNING AND C OMMERCE Trade was based in major cities Became centers of learning as well as trade Example: Library at Alexandria

13 S CIENCE IN THE H ELLENISTIC A GE Value of pi Circumference of a circle Levers, the pulley, and screw Learned earth moves around the sun Calculated distance around the earth

14 R ELIGION AND P HILOSOPHY Ruler-worship: the monarch acts as the head of the religion Cults: religions with secret teachings or mysteries

15 P HILOSOPHICAL T HOUGHTS … Cynicism: People should live simple without pleasure, wealth or social status Skepticism: Because the universe is always changing, all knowledge is uncertain Stoicism: Divine reason directs the world so people should accept their fate how is Epicureanism: Aim of life is to seek pleasure and avoid pain

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