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Dave O’Brien MU757 Blues Music Curriculum for High School.

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1 Dave O’Brien MU757 Blues Music Curriculum for High School

2 Women In Blues Blues was now seen as entertainment. Made Blues accessible to all audiences. Became “Divas” and stars. Mainly sang for white audiences. Women would begin to segue into not only the Blues, but popular song for the time.

3 Ma Rainey 1886-1939 Career started in a talent show. Worked Cabaret theater shows in her teens. Toured in minstrel shows. By the time she recorded in 1923, she was already famous and well-known.

4 Ma Rainey In five years, she made over 100 recordings. Known for her phrasing and “moaning” qualities in her voice. Developed lasting reputation as most significant early Blues singer. Retired from singing in 1935.

5 Bessie Smith 1894-1937 Known as “Empress of the Blues”. At age 12, shared the stage with Ma Rainey. Established as most successful Black artist for the time. Toured the North and South with great success.

6 Bessie Smith Appeared in the film St. Louis Blues (1929). Career damaged by alcoholism and Depression. Last recording session in 1933 was to cater to an increasing European audience and featured Jazz stars at the time. Circumstances of her death chronicled in a play. Known for bringing personal involvement to the Blues and its performance. Interpreted many popular songs for the time. “Her broad phrasing, fine intonation, blue-note inflections and wide expressive range made hers the measure of jazz- blues singing in the 1920s.”

7 Discussion… Do the female pop stars of today have the same appeal as Rainey and Smith did in their day? Do you think women are more successful in selling records and being more appealing to a broader audience? How does this relate to these Blues women? Rainey and Smith interpreted and recorded pop songs for the day. Would this practice be as successful today? Do we like to hear songs we know or new material?

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