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The principle of Alignment: Risk and Challenges of NAMs for CSOs and LAs Lessons from the Cambodia case study in the framework of EC Evaluation on CSO.

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Presentation on theme: "The principle of Alignment: Risk and Challenges of NAMs for CSOs and LAs Lessons from the Cambodia case study in the framework of EC Evaluation on CSO."— Presentation transcript:

1 The principle of Alignment: Risk and Challenges of NAMs for CSOs and LAs Lessons from the Cambodia case study in the framework of EC Evaluation on CSO channel (2008)

2 Risk of Instrumental approach to engaging with CSOs Heavy reliance on CSO for service delivery when government absent (post-conflict) As government capacity is built, drastic cuts Alignment principle only reinforced this trend (limited participation CSOs in EC budget support) Timid exploration of use of thematic funds (EIDHR) for CSOs engaged in human rights and democratisation –through inadequate procedures LACK OF CAREFULLY THOUGHT OUT STRATEGY TOWARDS CSOS LACK OF CAREFULLY THOUGHT OUT STRATEGY TOWARDS CSOS

3 Challenges Develop a strategic approach to engage with CSOs (beyond aid effectiveness) Appropriate modalities for engaging with both CSO service delivery and advocacy actors Explore innovative ‘partnership’ arrangements (right of initiative) and smart funding modalities (core funding) for CSOs working on governance/democracy Reconciling Paris Agenda with participatory development agenda The importance of “learning” and “sequencing” (example of new EC programme on decentralisation and domestic accountability)

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