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Kira-kira Novel reading

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1 Kira-kira Novel reading
Class:112 Group member: 3 吳盈萱 11 林洵鋌 22 陳芃亦 23 陳怡玲 25 陳香安 29 楊敏

2 Summary.1 Lynn taught Katie her first word: kira kira.
Lynn is Katie’s sister. She told Katie the special way of viewing the world. However, they had to move from Iowa to Georgia. Because their parents’ store is out of business. Their uncle said he could get their dad a job in hatchery. Katie missed the things that their parents worked regular hours and the view in Iowa.

3 Summary.2 Their apartment was so small that their mom
was unhappy. Lynn didn’t seem to be making many friends at school, so she spent a lot of time with Katie. Lynn told Katie that the people on the town ignored them because they are Japanese. Their mom gave birth to Sam while Katie was first grade. He was so cute that Katie was proud of him. However, every thing started to changed when Katie was ten.

4 Summary.3 Lynn made a first best friend, Amber. Even
though Lynn spent most of her time with her friend, she still worried about Katie all the time. But Katie thought the way which is Lynn might worry about a baby. Lynn, Amber, Katie and their uncle’s whole family went camping. Katie thought her sister didn’t understand her and she wanted her own friends.

5 Summary.4 After few days, Lynn got sick. So Katie and
Sam had to sleep in the living room. They went to work with their mom everyday in summer. Katie made a new friend, Silly, during the time in factory. Amber dropped Lynn. Her parents want to get Lynn’s house. Because the new house maybe can make Lynn feel better.

6 Summary.5 One night Lynn called Katie to give her water,
but Katie yelled at her. Because since Lynn was sick, Katie did everything for her. During the new year celebration, Lynn was dead. On Lynn’s funeral, Katie gave the speech to remember her sister. After that their father took them to California because there is the place where Lynn wanted to lived when she get older. They went to coast, when Katie saw the sea she heard her sister’s voice in the waves: “Kira-kira! Kira-kira!”

7 Word watcher.1 1.strode(stride_strode_stridden) vt. vi.
walk across, walk over *He strode over the crying girl without a look. 2.vicious adj. evil, fiendish *Mr. Dickson has a vicious dog that always bark at every one passed. 3.expertly adv. proficiency, skilled *Macy went into the kitchen and did the apple pie expertly.

8 Word watcher.2 4.exhilarated adj. excited, cheerful
*Cara is exhilarated because if the travel to the France and Italy. 5.lobby n. [U] a lounge, a foyer *The famous actress, Anne Hathaway, is talking with her manager in lobby. 6.emanating(emanate_emanated) vt. vi. to transpire *Hank emanates concern at the girl besides him. 7.sardines n. [C] a kind of fish *Chantal’s favorite food are sardines and apples.

9 Word watcher.3 8.hemoglobin n. the composition of blood
*Doctor said that Hanna was lack of hemoglobin. 9.fatigue vt. vi. n. [U] [C] tired *His health is deteriorating from fatigue. 10.surgical adj. a medical science *She did a surgical operation to make herself more beautiful. 11.assistance n. [U] help or support *A report drawn up with the assistance of experts.

10 Main character Katie Lynn Sam Katie’s parents Katie’s uncle Amber

11 Opinion 1.I think this is a touching story . But I don’t like the ending very much . Because I don’t want Lynn died . This story is very “ kira-kira”. 2.Though I thought the story was very boring at first , I found it’s a touching story after finishing reading it . 3.It’s a memorable and interesting story . I can learn something more than what is in my textbooks.

12 Rewrite the end of story
Katie went to the beach. She suddenly heard a voice. “kira-kira, kira-kira......” It’s Lynn’s voice! Katie followed the voice and walked into the sea slowly. “Katie! What are you doing?” Everyone was scared. But Katie seems didn’t hear anything, she kept walking. “Katie! Katie!” Katie’s dad went ahead so that he could hold Katie’s hand. To everyone’s surprise, Katie refused anyone to stop her. “kira-kira, kira-kira......” Katie was listening to Lynn carefully. She kept walking and the sea water was higher and higher until it covered Katie. “kira-kira, kira-kira......” There was only Lynn’s voice in the air, for a long long time.

13 Our job! 03 吳盈萱 演戲 11 林洵鋌 報告.演戲 22 陳芃亦 演戲 23 陳怡玲 簡報.演戲 25 陳香安 演戲
03 吳盈萱 演戲 11 林洵鋌 報告.演戲 22 陳芃亦 演戲 23 陳怡玲 簡報.演戲 25 陳香安 演戲 29 楊 敏 簡報.演戲

14 The End

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