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Presentation on theme: "ANCIENT GREECE."— Presentation transcript:


2 I. Geography Shapes Greek Life

3 LOCATION- Greece is located in Southern Europe
along the Mediterranean Sea.

4 B. Importance of its Location
Because of the seas, Sea travel, trade, and fishing were very important to the Greeks.

5 C. The Land Most of Greece is covered by rugged Mountains.

6 D. Impact of the Land The mountains divided the Greeks into
separate communities. A polis or city-state is what these separate communities became known as.

7 II. The City-States Similarities- the Greek language, and their
religious beliefs (Many Gods). They believed in the same gods, and believed that their gods had human characteristics.

8 B. Differences- Forms of Government in City-States
Government & Way of Life Forms of Government in City-States Monarchy- Rule by a King Aristocracy- Rule by the “elite” Oligarchy- Rule by an “elite” few Democracy- Rule by the people Tyrants- Rule by a powerful individual

9 III. Sparta vs Athens

10 A. Sparta -was part Oligarchy & Monarchy
-was an extremely “War-Like” Society -Spartans put Sparta before themselves -All Education was geared towards war -Boys were taken from their homes at age 7 and trained to be a soldier.

11 Sparta Continued: -Women COULDN’T participate in the Gov’t,
but they had MORE rights than most in Ancient Greece. -Goal of Spartan Women: Have a lot of healthy children! (future soldiers or “soldier makers”)

12 “The Spartan Way of Life”
-Tough Hard Life, Taught to do without luxury! -Spartans valued duty, strength, & discipline OVER freedom, individually, and the arts. -This resulted in one of the most power armies the world has ever seen!

13 B. Athens: -Government went from an aristocracy to
a democracy. Thus Athens is said to be the “Cradle of Democracy”. -It was a “Direct Democracy” since the citizens made all of the decisions directly. -It was a “Limited Democracy” since not everyone in Athens was a citizen. -Women could NOT vote & had very few rights.

14 Athens continued: -It was a society that stressed an individual
should be “Well-Rounded”! -As a result: Education, the Arts, and Military strategy were ALL important. -Philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle lived here. -The theater, great architecture, and wonderful sculptures developed here.

15 Ancient Greek Theater

16 The Parthenon

17 Nike: The Goddess of Victory was created around 203 BC.

18 -Athenian Power: Athens had a powerful Navy!

19 IV. The Persian Wars The Persian Empire (today Iran) fought
the Greek city-states twice (490 BC & 480 BC) B. Both Times the Greeks would rally and push the Persians back . C. The power of Athens grew after these victories over the Persians.

20 V. The Peloponnesian War
A tense rivalry developed between Sparta & Athens. B. Sparta declared war on Athens in 431 BC, Athens had the stronger navy, Sparta had the stronger army. C. Other city-states picked sides and joined in the fight.

21 Peloponnesian War Continued:
D. By 401 BC, Athens was forced to surrender to Sparta. E. This long lasting war between the city-states would weaken ALL of them including Sparta & Athens when it was over.

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