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Beam losses in the CLIC drive beam: specification of acceptable level and how to handle them ACE 2010 02 04 Michael Jonker.

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Presentation on theme: "Beam losses in the CLIC drive beam: specification of acceptable level and how to handle them ACE 2010 02 04 Michael Jonker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beam losses in the CLIC drive beam: specification of acceptable level and how to handle them ACE 2010 02 04 Michael Jonker

2 Beam loss detection and Radiation issues. (in the main tunnel) BLM system primary purpose: detection of onset of slow losses. Operational beam loss background levels: Tails on the beam entering the main linac and decelerators Interaction with residual beam gaz. Loss levels limits From Beam Physics: 0.1 % main beam, 0.1% each drive train From Radiation damage over the lifetime of CLIC (1MGy/year see following slides) Hence, these limits will define the required vacuum performance Resolution at operational background levels 20 % ? Dangerous level of beam loss when 10 -2 of DB or 10 -4 of MB is lost on an single aperture restriction. (Rough estimate needs further detailed simulations) Extended range for catastrophic (fast) losses: diagnostics only. (i.e. to better understand what happened, if ever something should happen)

3 Effect of beam in matter Note: in energy density in cupper for Melting : 400 J g -1, Structural yield 62 J g -1 MaterialCAlCuW LEP Beam (100GeV, 445 nC) Energy Density @ shower core [J g -1 ] 0.641.6822112 Energy Density @ IB 0.1 mm 2 [J g -1 ]778719624510 CLIC Main Pulse (1.5 TeV, 186 nC, @ collimators) Energy Density @ shower core [J g -1 ]3 9 122 614 Energy Density @ IB 40  m 2 [J g -1 ]8.3 10 5 7.7 10 5 6.7 10 5 5.4 10 5 2.2 10 3 /bunch CLIC Main Pulse (2.8 GeV, 204 nC @ DR septum) Energy Density @ shower core [J g -1 ] Energy Density @ IB 125  m 2 [J g -1 ]2.3 10 5 2.2 10 5 1.8 10 5 1.5 10 5 600 /bunch CLIC Drive Train (2.4 GeV, 24545 nC) Energy Density @ shower core [J g -1 ]1.343.0840187 Energy Density @ IB 1 mm 2 [J g -1 ]42933964 3444 2810

4 BLM Collection of Requirements (for the main tunnel) BLM system for detection of instabilities: Low end of dynamic range – 0.1% loss distributed over the main linac or a decelerator. – 20 % resolution High end of dynamic range – 10 -4 of main beam, 10 -2 of drive beam lost in a single aperture restriction (rf structure) – Details of failure mode at origin of loss not very important. – Resolution 7? sigma above background (or whatever is needed to reduce downtime from false alarms to less then 0.1 %). Good reliability & availability (to be defined, however, there are redundant diagnostics systems. BLM system for diagnostics of fast catastrophic losses extended dynamic range (with 10 2 for DB, 10 4 MB) – Full beam impact on an aperture restriction ? – 10 % resolution Reduced requirements on reliability and availability. Under discussion

5 More challenges Distinguish between beam losses in the same tunnel from: – Drive beam decelerator – Main beam – Transport lines – Beam turns – Beam dumps – Crosstalk Simulations (see following slides) Distinguish beam losses from other sources of radiation: – Synchrotron light – Photons from RF cavities – Wigglers, undulators – EM noise, etc. Investigate and document the radiation sources in tunnel (other than beam loss) BLM Collection of Requirements

6 Crosstalk: main beam – drive beam I S.Mallows, T.Otto: Radiation Levels in the CLIC Tunnel

7 Crosstalk: main beam – drive beam II  Signal to crosstalk ratios for equal fractional beam loss on one quadrupole of the main beam and drive beam (statistical uncertainty ~ 10%)  Higher loss on drive beam: main beam losses are shadowed!  Can spectral sensitivity help? S. Mallows, T. Otto

8 03.12.2009CLIC OMPWG Beam losses (DB 2.4 GeV) 2.4 GeV Lost before QP 1.5 TeV Lost in QP

9 S. Mallows, T. Otto, CLIC Two-Beam Module Review, September 2009

10 03.12.2009CLIC OMPWG Permitted fractional loss model (New model, Drive beam) Loss pointBeam dynamics Old estimate New Estimate in QP1.25 E-61.0 E-71.6 E-6 before QP1.25 E-6--2.1 E-6 in PET1.25 E-6 Loss pointBeam dynamics Old estimate New Estimate in QP1.25 E-64.7 E-71.9 E-5 before QP1.25 E-6--2.0 E-5 in PET1.25 E-64.8 E-5 2.4 GeV 0.24 GeV Based on radiation limits of magnets during 10 years x 6 month operation. Regular magnet design (no rad hard)

11 03.12.2009CLIC OMPWG Permitted fractional loss model (New model, Main beam) Loss pointBeam dynamics Old estimate New Estimate in QP5 E-77.3 E-82.7 E-9 before QP5 E-7--6.1 E-9 in AS5 E-79.1 E-9 Loss pointBeam dynamics Old estimate New Estimate in QP5 E-71.7 E-61.9 E-5 before QP5 E-7--2.0 E-5 in AS5 E-74.8 E-5 1.5 TeV 9 GeV Based on radiation limits of magnets during 10 years x 6 month operation. Regular magnet design (no rad hard)

12 Type of failures Failures causing slow onset of losses – Magnet system – Vacuum system (performance defined by tolerable operational losses) – Slow drifts (alignment, temperature, …) Next pulse permit and safe by design(2 ms) Failures causing fast losses (“in-flight” failures) – RF breakdown (effects on the beam under study) – Kicker misfiring (turn around kickers !) – Klystron trips (not applicable for DB) Protection by fixed masks (Impedance?)

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