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Extended Response Problems Mathematics Theme: 5 th grade math Audience: 5 th grade students preparing for the ISAT test. Environment: The students have.

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Presentation on theme: "Extended Response Problems Mathematics Theme: 5 th grade math Audience: 5 th grade students preparing for the ISAT test. Environment: The students have."— Presentation transcript:


2 Extended Response Problems Mathematics Theme: 5 th grade math Audience: 5 th grade students preparing for the ISAT test. Environment: The students have just donated to a food drive and we are now packaging the food to send to families. Students will only need pencil and paper to solve this problem. Motivation: Short answer and extended response problems are required on the ISAT test. Objectives: Understand story problems. Given a story problem students will be able to solve the equation and also explain how they solved the problem in full detail. Clearly write an extended response and short response. Teaching standards: MA.5.7 2000 - Problem Solving

3 Welcome, Students! My name is Mrs. Rose and I will be asking you to help donate to the Good Cher food drive.

4 Be sure to bring in canned goods every day if you would like to donate! If you would like to donate click the addition symbol!

5 More about the food drive Food will be donated to families in need. Food will need to be separated into cartons. If you do not want to bring in food you will not be reprimanded. You may bring in food at the beginning of class for the week of If you have any questions feel free to ask me! Click the addition symbol to learn more about the food drive!

6 Amount of food we have collected 320 cans of food. Amount of food each family gets 40 cans of food. You guys have done such a great job donating! Let’s package the food for the families! Click the addition symbol to help out!

7 Amount of food we have collected 320 cans of food. Amount of food each family gets 40 cans of food. As a reminder! Let’s package the food for the families! Click the addition symbol to help out!

8 Now we have to distribute the food we have collected to the families! But first, we must calculate exactly how much food each family will receive! Click the addition symbol to see this as a story problem! If you do not remember how much food we have collected then, click the subtraction symbol.

9 Now we have to distribute the food we have collected to the families! First, we must calculate exactly how much food each family will receive! Click the addition symbol to see this as a story problem!

10 Story Problem For the Good Cher food drive our class has collected 320 cans of food. Each family gets 40 cans of food. How many cartons will you need to pack for them? If you know the first step to solve this problem press the addition symbol. If you do not know the first step to solve this problem click the subtraction symbol.

11 Story Problem For the Good Cher food drive our class has collected 320 cans of food. Each family gets 40 cans of food. How many cartons will you need to pack for them? If you know the first step to solve this problem press the addition symbol. If you do not know the first step to solve this problem click the subtraction symbol.

12 Story Problem For the Good Cher food drive our class has collected 320 cans of food. Each family gets 40 cans of food. How many cartons will you need to pack for them? Enter how many cartons need to be packed in the empty box below. Click the addition symbol.

13 Great! You know how to start this problem! Press the addition symbol if you have to work backwards. Press the subtraction symbol if you have another way to solve this problem.

14 I see you do not know how to start this problem! This problem forces you to work backwards. Click the addition symbol for more help.

15 Working backwards Now, you need to start off from what you know about the food drive and how much food we have collected. We have collected 320 canned foods. There are 40 cans per carton. You must divide. Are there any more ways to solve this problem? Click the addition symbol.

16 Are there any more ways to solve this problem? The best way to solve this problem is to work backwards using division. Click the subtraction symbol to be reminded of the problem. If you remember the problem click the addition symbol.

17 Are there any more ways to solve this problem? The best way to solve this problem is to work backwards using division. If you know the answer Click the addition symbol.

18 Do you know how many cartons of food we will need? If we need 8 cartons of food click the addition symbol If you calculated a answer other than 8 click the subtraction symbol

19 You’ve got it! We need to make exactly 8 cartons of food. Click the addition symbol to move on to the extended response portion.

20 Looks like you’ve made a mistake. This is a simple division problem. Since we have collected 320 cans and each family has to get 40 them we simply divide 40 cans into 320. We need 8 cartons to pack food. To move forward to the extended response click the addition symbol.

21 Now you need to write an extended response explaining exactly how you got your answer. We have all written an extended response before. But, if you need a reminder click the subtraction symbol. If you remember how to write an extended response click the addition symbol.

22 What is an extended response? You will need to write a detailed explanation telling me every step you took to get your answer. Include all steps, even your mistakes. Click the addition symbol for key terms to include in your response.

23 Terminology Be sure to use terms like first, then, second, moreover, and finally. Click the subtraction symbol for an example of the incorrect way to write an extended response. Click the addition symbol for the correct way to include terminology in your response.

24 Extended Response: What you should not do Take shortcuts Leave out information Misuse terminology Write incorrect information To be sure that you are using the correct terms press the subtraction symbol.

25 Terminology Be sure to use terms like first, then, second, moreover, and finally. Type a sentence using the correct transition terms. Use the empty box below. Click the addition symbol once you are done.

26 What are some great transition words to use in you extended response? If you do not remember click the subtraction symbol. If you know some great words type them in the empty box below. Then, click the addition symbol

27 Extended Response: Things you have to do Include details ( even mistakes) Elaborate Use math terminology Answer the problem correctly Example: First, I subtracted the amount of food we collected from the amount of food we needed to have to figure out how much more food we need to collect before the deadline. Remember there are also things you should not do! Click the subtraction symbol.

28 That’s exactly right! WORDS LIKE First Then Next Finally These are all great words to include in your extended response. Remember to only use these words when necessary. Proof read your response before you turn it in. If you have proofread your response click the addition symbol.

29 Awesome! You can now turn in your extended response. Thank you so much for donating!

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