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Political Cartoons Analyzing and Interpreting. Decoding a Political Cartoon Step 1: Acquiring Knowledge Acquire background knowledge to properly decode.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Cartoons Analyzing and Interpreting. Decoding a Political Cartoon Step 1: Acquiring Knowledge Acquire background knowledge to properly decode."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Cartoons Analyzing and Interpreting

2 Decoding a Political Cartoon Step 1: Acquiring Knowledge Acquire background knowledge to properly decode the cartoon. Step 2: Identify the Issue Understand the meaning and significance of the issue to understand the cartoon.

3 Analyzing the Catroon Devices Caricature: an individual’s unique physical characteristics are exaggerated or distorted to make the person easily identifiable. Purpose: identification of people/places/events Devices: simplification/distortion/e xaggeration

4 Analyzing the Cartoon Devices Analogy: a rich pool of historical, literary, and cultural references to create a fantasy setting or situation which relates in some way to reality. Purpose: Creation of settings/situations for comparison Devices: historical/literary/cultural

5 Analyzing the Cartoon Devices Words: titles or captions that help the cartoonist explain a situation Purpose: Commentary/explanation/ revelation Devices: titles/captions/name tags/dialogue/balloons

6 Analyzing the Cartoon Devices Signs: visual components that are intended to convey a specific message Purpose: Quick communication Devices: signs, symbols, stereotypes, size, shading

7 Identifying the Biases What is bias? An inclination or preference that makes it difficult or impossible to judge fairly in a particular situation.

8 Types of Bias National/Regional/LocalPoliticalReligious Racial or Ethnic VocationalEconomicGender Historical influences Personal Values Marital Status

9 Interpreting the Cartoon A clear statement summarizing the cartoonist’s main message. The culmination of the previous four steps: Acquire background knowledge Identify the issue Analyze the visual and literary devices Identify the possible biases

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