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The Rise of Islam 600 C.E. -1200’s C.E. Islam n Bedouin Arab named Mohammed n born ca. 570 A.D. n raised by relatives -father and mother died by age.

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2 The Rise of Islam 600 C.E. -1200’s C.E.

3 Islam n Bedouin Arab named Mohammed n born ca. 570 A.D. n raised by relatives -father and mother died by age six -raised by an impoverished uncle

4 Mohammed n formal education ?? We don’t know –Normally only the Poets of the Tribes could read and write n commercial agent for a wealthy widow –Khadijah –supervising caravans from Mecca, north to Jerusalem –contact with both Jews and Christians

5 Mohammed, con’t n monogamous until his wife died n eventually married nine wives and had assorted concubines

6 Origins of Mohammed’s Teachings n periods of unconsciousness are indicated: explanations –revelations from Allah by holy trances, spoken to by Gabriel

7 The Quran n Record of revelations received during visions n Tradition of Muhammad’s life: hadith

8 The Hijra n flight from Mecca, To Medina -tradition: invited by the Jews of Medina n 622 A.D. n beginning of the Islamic calendar n forms the umma (community) n welcomed, then resisted n Mohammed becomes an absolute theocrat

9 Muhammad’s Return to Mecca n Attack on Mecca, 630 -- jihad n Conversion of Mecca to Islam n Destruction of pagan sites, replaced with mosques –Ka ’ aba preserved in honor of importance of Mecca –Approved as pilgrimage site

10 Jihad n holy war against Mecca n ten year blockade n a deal was made for peace

11 The Ka’aba in Mecca

12 The Religion: the Koran (Qu’ran) n the Koran (Qu’ran): contains much of Mohammed’s recounting of Allah’s teachings n -114 chapters (“SURAH”) –arranged from longest to the shortest –not by subject or chronologically –length is the criterion of order for the text

13 The Koran, con’t n some “Old” and “New” Testaments stories –but sometimes the story seems a bit different to Jews and Christians

14 Five Pillars of Islam n uniqueness of God –‘There is no god, but God….’ n prayer five times a day n observe the month of Ramadan n give alms to the poor n pilgrimage to Mecca –If possible, once in your life

15 Spread of Islam

16 arabesque patterns/columns

17 Dome of the Rock, Temple Mount Jerusalem

18 Islam  An Abrahamic Religion  Muslims are strict monotheists.  They believe in the Judeo- Christian God, which they call Allah.  Muslims believe that the Torah and the Bible, like the Qur’an, is the word of God. Peoples of the Book

19 Abraham’s Genealogy ABRAHAM SARAH HAGAR Isaac Esau Jacob 12 Tribes of Israel Ishmael 12 Arabian Tribes

20 The Prophetic Tradition Adam Noah Abraham Moses Jesus Muhammad

21 Architecture  The call to prayer by the muezzin in the minaret.  Pray in the mosque on Friday.

22 The Great Mosque of Mecca  The pilgrimage to Mecca.  Must be done at least once in a Muslim’s lifetime.  2-3 million Muslims make the pilgrimage every year.

23 The Hajj  Those who complete the pilgrimage can add the title hajji to their name.

24 The Mosque  The Muslim place of worship.

25 The Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem Mount Moriah Rock where Muhammad ascended into heaven.

26 Faith Question n Do you agree or disagree with the views expressed in the following movie? n 7dp0S0&feature=related 7dp0S0&feature=related

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