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SESSION 3. Results-based planning, setting meaningful objectives and working how to assess if progress is being achieved towards objectives by setting.

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Presentation on theme: "SESSION 3. Results-based planning, setting meaningful objectives and working how to assess if progress is being achieved towards objectives by setting."— Presentation transcript:

1 SESSION 3. Results-based planning, setting meaningful objectives and working how to assess if progress is being achieved towards objectives by setting indicators Training on Human-Rights Approach to combating human trafficking for the 2014-2016 National Action Plan (NAP), 7-8 November 2013, Chişinau, Moldova Mike Dottridge November 2013 Email:

2 Aim of the session: - to ensure participants understand what ‘results-based planning’ is, - starting with a review of the current Plan, - introducing new concepts, - and seeing how these could modify the structure and format of the next Plan

3 STRUCTURE OF THE 2012-13 PLAN: 5 sections on 1. General measures, including capacity-building 2. Prevention 3. Social assistance and protection of victims and witnesses 4. Investigation and law suits 5. International cooperation

4 A LOT TO DO – OR A MANAGEABLE AMOUNT? 102 activities to keep track of, each with a ‘progress indicator) 102 activities to keep track of, each with a ‘progress indicator) 27 of the 38 due to be completed in 2012 actually carried out 27 of the 38 due to be completed in 2012 actually carried out Any information available on the EFFECTS of the activities? (for no indicators set to measure Goals or Objectives Any information available on the EFFECTS of the activities? (for no indicators set to measure Goals or Objectives

5 LESSONS LEARNED FROM SOUTH EAST EUROPE PLANS 1. Identify lead implementing agency 2. Indicate approximate cost 3. Be as specific as possible about timing – especially if a sequence of activities is needed 4. Specify the expected result of each Objective (and Goal) 5. Adjust Plan to meet criticisms from international organizations or U.S.


7 Output/ Producție The products, capital goods and services which result from a development intervention; may also include changes resulting from the intervention which are relevant to the achievement of outcomes. Outcome/ Rezultat The likely or achieved short-term and medium-term effects of an intervention’s outputs. Impact Positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended. Monitor- ing A continuing function that uses systematic collection of data on specified indicators to provide management and the main stakeholders of an ongoing development intervention with indications of the extent of progress and achievement of objectives and progress in the use of allocated funds.

8 INDICATORS (Indicii) Quantitative or qualitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable means to measure achievement, to reflect the changes connected to an intervention, or to help assess the performance of a development actor. There are several sorts of indicators: Output indictor = Indicii de progres Outcome or Impact indicator MEANS OF VERIFICATION Specifies how and when an indicator will be measured, and by whom.


10 CURRENT PLAN 2012-2013 (headings) Scopul: Implicarea activă a autorităţilor administraţiei publice locale în elaborarea şi realizarea politicilor antitrafic 12345, 6 & 78 Activităţi Structuri respons- abile de imple- mentare Parten- eri Termene- le de realizare Costuri, mii lei Indicii de progres Sursele bugetare ale autorităţilor publice centrale şi/sau locale Alte surse Neac o- perit e

11 COMMENT ON THESE HEADINGS Puts a lot of emphasis on ACTIVITIES Puts a lot of emphasis on ACTIVITIES But priority should be to get a good assessment of the PROBLEM to solve But priority should be to get a good assessment of the PROBLEM to solve And the GOAL and OBJECTIVE to achieve And the GOAL and OBJECTIVE to achieve GOAL = long-term aim GOAL = long-term aim OBJECTIVE = to be achieved by end of Plan OBJECTIVE = to be achieved by end of Plan

12 A MODEL FOCUSING ON RESULTS AND MEASURING INDICATORS (headings only) ObjectivesExpected results Indicators of results (i.e., not just outputs) Means of verification

13 Objective (to be reached by the end of the Plan) Expected results (of achieving the Objectives) Indicators (of success – that objectives has been achieved) Means of verification (of measuring the Indicator) Develop and advance capacities of state institutions to prevent human trafficking Trainings for central institutions (judges and prosecutors, local government staff and labour inspectors) 1) Assess 'added value' of trainings (not just numbers involved), distinguishing between municipal and central government officials; 2)Measure how many of those trained are still in a relevant job after six months (so check what proportion of trainees changed job soon after training, meaning training was largely wasted). 1.Ministry of Local Government to check the quality of training for municipal-level officials (by observation and questioning some trainees 6 months after training) 2.Ministry also to check six months later to see how many trained municipal officials remain in a post where the training is relevant. 3.Similar monitoring of labour inspectors.

14 But in practice you also need the practical information about cost, timing and WHICH department or organization will be responsible and accountable for carrying out an activity. But in practice you also need the practical information about cost, timing and WHICH department or organization will be responsible and accountable for carrying out an activity.

15 1. Goal, Objective or Activity 2. Timing 3. Budget/resources 4. Main Responsibility for Implementation 5. Other organisations involved 6. Expected results 7. Indicator(s) 8. Means of Verification Goals / Objectives / Activities Time- frame & dead- line Bud get Implem enter(s) (respon sible for repor- ting) Part ners Expected results IndicatorsMeans of veri- fication

16 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Mike Dottridge Independent consultant E-mail:

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