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IP Practice in China Committee Future Plans 2015-2016 Co-Chairs James J. Pan R. Craig Tucker 1 © AIPLA 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "IP Practice in China Committee Future Plans 2015-2016 Co-Chairs James J. Pan R. Craig Tucker 1 © AIPLA 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 IP Practice in China Committee Future Plans 2015-2016 Co-Chairs James J. Pan R. Craig Tucker 1 © AIPLA 2015

2 2 Events and initiatives for 2015-2016 1. 2016 China Delegation 2. 2016 Mid-Winter Institute, Spring Meeting, Annual Meeting – CLE program 3. Advocacy 4. Improve communications, resources & involvement Presentation Goal: Prompt membership involvement  We need speakers & writers  More importantly, we need people to dev content  Even more importantly, we need the group’s best  Most importantly, we need result made available

3 Cities: Beijing & Tianjin? Shanghai? Shuzhou? Speakers and well researched topics Want to review prior learning as base to develop further questions, discussion topics, and prep all delegates Greater involvement from all delegates Improve documentation and reporting of trip 2016 China Delegation © AIPLA 2015 3

4 Opportunities for meaningful presentations Perhaps publication of material after meeting as for example in the AIPLA Journal Spring meeting will include final details for China Trip 2016 Mid-Winter and Spring © AIPLA 2015 4

5 Joint CLE session with Antitrust Committee, Standards & Open Source Committee China’s evolving antitrust regime  Antitrust guidelines  New patent law & regulations broadening agency enforcement authority  Balance between patent rights and free competition  Standards reform  Implications for FRAND licensing Other additional or alternative ideas?? 2016 Annual Meeting Possibilities © AIPLA 2015 5

6 Timely notice and distribution of draft laws/regulations/guidelines Broader input from membership Coordination with other relevant committees More interim relationship building with our Chinese contacts (e.g. SIPO, Trademark Office, CIPS, ACPA, QBPC etc Advocacy © AIPLA 2015 6

7 Upgrade committee micro-site to provide more real-time resources Bi-monthly teleconferences for all members to increase involvement and better coordination. Improved Communications and Resources © AIPLA 2015 7

8 Questions? More importantly... Suggestions? (Remember to renew your Committee designations next week on the website) 8 © AIPLA 2015

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