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How did this activity compare to the first time you were asked to place yourself in the shoes of an English Language Learner? How was your stress level,

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Presentation on theme: "How did this activity compare to the first time you were asked to place yourself in the shoes of an English Language Learner? How was your stress level,"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did this activity compare to the first time you were asked to place yourself in the shoes of an English Language Learner? How was your stress level, comparably? You will learn about crafting these supports, as well as others, today & in subsequent classes As you may have already noticed, a lot of teaching techniques for English Learners will help other students as well! Impact of Supports?


3 A content objective is what you want a student to know or be able to do following the lesson What a teacher provides direct instruction/modeling towards Are for what a teacher provide students with practice/guided practice towards mastery Content Objectives

4 Key Points!!! State clearly and simply for students at beginning of lesson Present orally & in writing Review with students at end of lesson Content Objectives

5 Help students focus on what is important Are created using standards, example: Common Core Limit to 1 or 2 a lesson Content Objectives

6 Students will be able to (SWBAT) Students will We will Today I will The learner will Our job is to Example Ways to Start Writing Content Objectives


8 A language objective focuses on the language that a student should be able to understand/use following the lesson Language Objectives

9 Key Points!!! State clearly and simply for students at beginning of lesson Present orally & in writing – using 2 language domains! – can use more, example: have students restate/tell Review with students at end of lesson Language Objectives

10 Helps students focus on what is important Limit 1 or 2 a lesson Tie to grade-level expectations and content objectives Do not need to write different ones per language proficiency level Language Objectives

11 Day 1: Recognize similes (focus on words like or as) Day 1-2: Discuss the function of similes Day 2: Write similes Day 3-4: Write a paragraph that describes a setting using similes Language Objectives--Examples

12 Use English Language Proficiency Standards to create, such as from WIDA Other sources to help you write language objectives… – English Language Arts standards (SIOP says even English Language Arts teachers can have both content and language objectives) – WIDA Can Do Descriptors Language Objectives

13 Verbs for Content Identify Solve Investigate Distinguish Hypothesize Create Select Draw Conclusions about Determine Find Calculate Observe Listen for Retell Define Find the main idea Compare Summarize Rehearse Persuade Write Draft Defend a position on Describe Objectives—Verbs to help you write your own content and language objectives Verbs for Language


15 Make sure that content concepts are appropriate for student’s age and educational background Goal: help English learners access grade-level curriculum by making content comprehensible Appropriate Content Concepts

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