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English II—March 9, 2015 Bell work: What is an issue that resonates (affects or appeals to people) across cultures? Homework: – Study for Lesson #7 Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "English II—March 9, 2015 Bell work: What is an issue that resonates (affects or appeals to people) across cultures? Homework: – Study for Lesson #7 Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 English II—March 9, 2015 Bell work: What is an issue that resonates (affects or appeals to people) across cultures? Homework: – Study for Lesson #7 Vocabulary Quiz next Tuesday. – Bring your library book so you can return it tomorrow.

2 Lesson #7 Vocabulary The Greek suffix –ize means “to become like” or “to treat with. equalize—v. make the same in quantity, size, or degree throughout a place or group. centralize—v. concentrate (control of an activity or organization) under a single authority. idealize—v. regard or represent as perfect or better than in reality. maximize—v. make as large or great as possible. economize—v. spend less; reduce one's expenses.

3 Lesson #7 Vocabulary immobilize—v. prevent (something or someone) from moving or operating as normal. scrutinize—v. examine or inspect closely and thoroughly. materialize—v. become actual fact; happen. mesmerize—v. hold the attention of (someone) to the exclusion of all else or so as to transfix them. rationalize—v. attempt to explain or justify (one's own or another's behavior or attitude) with logical, plausible reasons, even if these are not true or appropriate.

4 Your Narrative Narrative Elements Setting(s) The setting should be revealed in the exposition and should be described using imagery and sensory details. Character(s) Characters are introduced in the exposition, and should be developed throughout the narrative. Your main character should go through some kind of development (round character). Point of View Maintain a consistent POV throughout the narrative. Also maintain consistent verb tense. Sequence of Events Exposition—setting, introduce characters and conflict Rising Action—get the story moving (dialogue would be good here) Climax—emotional high point Falling Action—what happens after the climax Resolution—satisfying conclusion; theme might be here Imagery and Sensory Details Similes (at least two) Metaphor Personification Theme What is the message about life you are trying to share with your reader? What did you learn about life?

5 Unit 2—Embedded Assessment 2 Creating an Argument Skillfully presents a claim and provides background and a clear explanation of the issue. Synthesizes evidence from a variety of sources that strongly support the claim. Summarizes and refutes counterclaims with relevant reasoning and clear evidence. Concludes by clearly summarizing the main points and reinforcing the claim. Follows a logical progression of ideas that establish relationships between the essential elements of hook, claim, evidence, counterclaims, and conclusion. Links main points with effective transitions that establish coherence. Uses a formal style and tone appropriate to the audience and purpose. Smoothly integrates textual evidence from multiple sources, with correct citations. Shows excellent command of standard English conventions.

6 TermWhat words come to mind when you see or hear these terms? What has influenced your opinion of these terms? Justice, justice system Laws, rules, codes, constitution Judge, jury, lawyers, witnesses prosecutor, defendant, victim Ethics, morality Punishment, rehabilitation

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