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T585 analysis status 3 2006/2/2 HIDEYUKI SAKAMOTO Contents On small light yield problem checked by Aron’s information Tracking status Transverse and Longitudinal.

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Presentation on theme: "T585 analysis status 3 2006/2/2 HIDEYUKI SAKAMOTO Contents On small light yield problem checked by Aron’s information Tracking status Transverse and Longitudinal."— Presentation transcript:

1 T585 analysis status 3 2006/2/2 HIDEYUKI SAKAMOTO Contents On small light yield problem checked by Aron’s information Tracking status Transverse and Longitudinal momentum distribution Comparison of DATA with MC Photo electron distribution Next to do

2 P.E as a function of waveguide This shows that The problem has also at station side. From Aron’s check

3 Track reconstruction -- This is last talk Based on Uniform B-Field and NO scattering Chi2 to be minimized –Input: xi,yi, i=1,4 –Output: x0,y0,p0,R,L –Degree of freedom: 8-5=3 x 0, y 0 00 #4 #3 #2 #1 R

4 Checking of tool -- This is last talk Input = hit position by GEANT Vertical: residual (%) Horizontal: fit parameters Transverse momentum (pt) Longitudinal momentum (pz)

5 MC v.s. reconstructed pt & pz -- This is last talk MC Reconst. Why is Reconst. longitudinal momentum so broad? Bug? Effect of scattering? NOW checking this.

6 Broadness of fitted Pz This problem occurs when turning angle,  becomes small –  z L -1 =  z 0.3 B Pz -1 –Small   Small B or Large Pz In MICE –B=4T,Pz=200MeV/c  L=17cm =>  (  z=1m) =337deg <= NO Problem In T585 –B=1T,Pz=400MeV/c..etc..  1/8 times as MICE=42deg –For analysis, using TOF for Pz reconstruction  #1 #2 #3 #4

7 Event display – MC –  x=0 True With  x Fitted Pz=416MeV/c   z=95cm)=39 deg

8 Updated Setup of fiber sheet for MC Scifi. –Diameter=350um =>(#)core:350umx94% =>(#)clad:350umx6% –Pitch=420um –Distance=280um –Material=scinti. =>(#)core:scinti.(Polythylene) =>(#)clad:PMMA (#) from Kuraray catalogue View –Distance=0.63mm –Material=Air => polyurethane adhesive(PSILRA1000) (temporary) Mylar –Thickness=25um –Material=(Polyethylene terephthalate) [C10H8]n 0.42mm 0.35mm 0.28 mm 0.63mm +25um Station Body Mylar X WV Filled with Adhesive

9 Difference for View material There is no significant difference because input momentum is 3GeV/c pion, MIPS

10 Deposit energy  E1  E2  E3  E4  E5  E4+  E5  E1,  E2  E3  E1+  E2  E4+  E5  E3 3GeV/c pion

11 L1A cut L1A & residue cut Photo electron distribution –DATA— Timing(L1A) Residual cm RUN#1255 STATION1 X-VIEW !! NO CLUSTERING

12 DATA Photo electron distribution – MC– Distributed by POISSON and Gausian Calibrated by eye (w/o fit) MC DATA Station 1 X-VIEW (with Adhesive and Mylar) !! NO CLUSTERING

13 Next to do Mapping –stopped for while.. +My Request (as said e-mail to Aron) “Checking scifi alignment with my modified list”, making after checking by beam DATA. Tracking –Reconstruction using TOF for T585 analysis –Estimating errors of reconst. Momentums ADC distribution –Including “clustering” –Adjusting : Eye => Fitting

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