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English Language Acquisition Consortium (ELAC) Meeting Multilingual Education Services Curriculum & Instruction Department February 5, 2015 Facilitators.

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Presentation on theme: "English Language Acquisition Consortium (ELAC) Meeting Multilingual Education Services Curriculum & Instruction Department February 5, 2015 Facilitators."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Language Acquisition Consortium (ELAC) Meeting Multilingual Education Services Curriculum & Instruction Department February 5, 2015 Facilitators Mathew Espinosa Vickie Teshin-Anderson Yee Wan, Ed.D.

2 Meeting Materials Online Posting,- 2016.aspx 2 SCCOE Multilingual Education Services

3 Title III Updates 3 SCCOE Multilingual Education Services

4 Questions on ESSA w/CDE Responses 4

5 Title III Acct. Reports Released on February 3, 2016 CDE will provide some suggested language for Parent Notification Letters soon. Title III Parent Notification Letters will need to go to EL families by March 3. Reports can now be found on Dataquest. Event Name5

6 6

7 LEA Plan Updates 15-16 March 1 Deadline for LEAs without “substantially approvable” plans. Common Findings: – Supplanting access to support personnel – Lack of ELD core curriculum/supplanting ELD core curriculum – Professional Development: core ELA/ELD (LCFF) vs. supplemental (T3) – Supplemental services used for all students (or Immigrant funds used for all ELs) Event Name7

8 LEA Plan Updates (Goal 2): Changes for 16-17 A required template for all LEAs applying for Title III funds. Matches LEA Plan (not separate T3 Plan). LEAs in Year 2 or beyond will need to complete a Needs Assessment and provide an explanation of the factors keeping the LEA from meeting targets. Template for Needs Assessment & ELSSA will be provided LEAs in Year 4 or beyond will need to provide an explanation of the changes to curriculum, program, and instruction for English learners. To be submitted with CARS upload in CMT system. Event Name8

9 Title III Technical Assistance Workshop Event Name9

10 FYI: High School ELA/ELD Materials Check with publishers of ELA/ELD Program 2 approved materials for Grades 6-8 Event Name10

11 My Name Is Jorge Event Name11

12 Name Stories 1.Who gave you your name? Why/How? and the meaning 2. What are your nicknames? Why? Explain. 3. What is the ethnic origin of your name? What is the significance? Describe. 4. What is your alter ego or fantasy name? Why? Explain. 12

13 My Name, My Identity National Campaign The campaign objectives are to Promote awareness to the importance of respecting others’ names and identities in schools Build a respectful and inclusive culture in school communities that value diversity across the country 13

14 Call for Action Multilingual Education Services Team 14

15 Networking: Professional Learning for Supporting ELA/ELD Framework Implementation SCCOE Multilingual Education Services 15

16 Collaborative Discussion 1.What will you continue to keep for 2016-17? 2. What will you put a hold? 3. What will you begin to implement? SCCOE Multilingual Education Services 16

17 Please Complete this Survey MY SCCOE Multilingual Education Services 17

18 Save the Date English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework Implementation Showcase Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. SCCOE Multilingual Education Services 18

19 Next ELAC Meeting Friday, April 1, 2016 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. Milpitas Room 19

20 Please Complete the Meeting Survey r/PHGS72K 20

21 Name Stories 1.Who gave you your name? Why/How? and the meaning 2. What are your nicknames? Why? Explain. 3. What is the ethnic origin of your name? What is the significance? Describe. 4. What is your alter ego or fantasy name? Why? Explain. 21

22 My Name, My Identity National Campaign The campaign objectives are to Promote awareness to the importance of respecting others’ names and identities in schools Build a respectful and inclusive culture in school communities that value diversity across the country 22

23 Call for Action Multilingual Education Services Team 23

24 Save the Date English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework Implementation Showcase Wednesday, April 27, 2016 3:30 - 6:00 p.m. SCCOE Multilingual Education Services 24

25 Next ELAC Meeting Friday, April 1, 2016 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. Milpitas Room 25

26 Please Complete the Meeting Survey r/PHGS72K 26

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