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Presentation on Friends. Introduction Friends is an American sitcom that was made in 1994-2004. Using the same main six actors and actresses, all the.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation on Friends. Introduction Friends is an American sitcom that was made in 1994-2004. Using the same main six actors and actresses, all the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation on Friends

2 Introduction Friends is an American sitcom that was made in 1994-2004. Using the same main six actors and actresses, all the way through the program. It has been a very successful program as it lasted ten years, it used many famous celebrities such as Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, Jon Lovits. What made it a very good show was the way its based on every day life. That the audience could relate to the characters a lot because of relationships, work, and friends. If there was a really sad scene, somewhere along the line, characters would come up with a one liner and all the time some on in the audience would laugh it was all about timing. Main six characters were Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Joey, Phoebe. In the UK it started on E4 and now its starts on Comedy Centeral.

3 Primary Research I had asked 14 people in the class their opinion if they liked it or not. My results were 43% of people did not like Friends on the other hand 57% of people liked it. This shows that more people liked Friends then they didn’t. Though this still shows that its not popular because its not asking the whole country what they think about Friends.

4 Friends aired for a whopping ten seasons and it was shown every year from 1994 to 2004 at it’s most popular in the UK it had 2,460,000 tuned in all at the same time this was episode 2 season 9 “the one where Emma cries” as well as getting a huge amount of views overall it also has the title of being the tenth most viewed show ever on E4. It produced 236 episodes and is one of the most critically acclaimed TV shows of all time getting nominated for 63 Primetime Emmy Awards. )#Friends

5 We came to the conclusion that the main bulk of “Friend’s” audience is female students aged between 16 and 20, by the end I imagine the viewership will of become wider since there would be a higher amount of loyal grown older viewers. The class of the audience would most likely be the working class, since that was what is was based on. I would say the ethnicity is non specific although I am defiantly tempted to put white because the show appeals more to a white audience specially since there is a lack of black actors on the show. The sexuality of our audience is also a factor since homo-sexual men and straight women are in my eyes very likely to take an interest in friends.

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