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Let’s Play! Instructions. 12345 678910 12 Team Score.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Play! Instructions. 12345 678910 12 Team Score."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Play! Instructions


3 12345 678910 12 Team Score

4 1.The outer covering of the diaphysis of the long bone, made from fibrous tissue is called the Who is the strongest link? EPIPHYSISDIAPHYSISPERIOSTEUMARTICULAR CARTILAGE

5 Periosteum is the connective tissue that covers long bones and is thicker in children than adults. Next Question PERIOSTEUM

6 1.Compact bone is made up of _______ cemented together. Who is the strongest link? OsteonsOsteocytesPerforating canals Trabiculae

7 Next Question OSTEONS

8 The cells that tear down and remodel bone are the ____________. Who is the strongest link? MarophagesOsteocytesOsteoblastsOsteoclasts

9 Osteoclasts release a strong acid that breaks down bone. Next Question OSTEOCLASTS

10 Inside the epiphyses of each long bone, mostly _______ can be found. Who is the strongest link? Yellow Marrow Cartilage Compact bone Spongy bone

11 Next Question Spongy Bone

12 1.Which bones do not belong to the axial skeleton? Who is the strongest link? Hip Bone SkullRibsVertebrae

13 Only the coccyx bone of pelvic region belongs with the axial skeleton. Next Question HIP BONES

14 1.How many bones are there total in the adult human body? Who is the strongest link? 450280206180

15 Children have approx 450 cartilaginous bones that develop and fuse into 206 adult bones. Next Question 206

16 1.The medullary cavity in the diaphysis of an adult bone would contain _______. Who is the strongest link? Organic salts Blood vessels Spongy bone Compact bone

17 Explanation of Answer Goes Here Next Question BLOOD VESSELS

18 1.The part of the bone that articular cartilage covers directly is the ________. Who is the strongest link? EndosteumPeriosteumDiaphysisEpiphysis

19 Next Question EPIPHYSIS

20 The junction between the diaphysis and epiphysis in growing bone is called the Who is the strongest link? Epiphyseal plate EndosteumPeriosteumArticular plate

21 Contains dividing cells that cause bone elongation Next Question EPIPHYSEAL PLATE

22 1.The broad, flat bones of the skull are ____________. Who is the strongest link? CartilaginousEndochondralSpongyIntramembranous


24 How to play The Strongest Link 1.Divide the group up into two teams. Assign one group to be Team 1, the other will be Team 2. Have each team choose a spokesperson. 2.Begin the PowerPoint and introduce the characters. 3.Have the spokesperson from one team choose a question. 4.Click on that number. Read the question and allow the spokesperson to confer with teammates to come up with an answer. Have them state the answer orally, then click on the arrow button. 5.Read the answer displayed on the next slide. Click on the button to move back to the board. 6.If the answer given was correct, type the correct number of points in the score box. 7.Continue to play until all questions have been answered. The team with the most points wins. Let’s Play!

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