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VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES Lesson objective: To understand the different activities you would be doing whilst undertaking unpaid work.

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Presentation on theme: "VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES Lesson objective: To understand the different activities you would be doing whilst undertaking unpaid work."— Presentation transcript:

1 VOLUNTEER ACTIVITIES Lesson objective: To understand the different activities you would be doing whilst undertaking unpaid work

2 Postcard to a friend I want you to imagine that your are writing a postcard to a friend. In this postcard you need to explain to them the good thing about doing unpaid work (look at the example below) Sally Anne Parker 25 Smith Lane Watsonville USA Hi Sally One reason why I think you should do unpaid work is because ……. Hope you are well From Zoe

3 Unpaid activities Last lesson we made a list in our assessment booklets of 10 different unpaid activities that you could carry out, lets share our ideas as a class Unpaid Activities

4 Now choose 3! For each example of alternatives to unpaid work that you have chosen, you need to explain the types of activities that you would be required to do for this job See the example below – you cannot copy this!!! You need to write all answers in full sentences Example of an alternative to paid work Activities Caring for an elderly neighbourFor this activity you may have to help them with their shopping. You may also have to help them with gardening and by doing jobs around the house for them

5 Checking work It is really important when completing work that it is nicely presented What things should you check for before handing in work? Now you need to carefully check your work for mistakes – you can ask the person next to you to help you if you want

6 Once you are done… Once you think you have done your 3 reasons and they have been checked, you need to neatly them into your assessment booklet Remember to use capital letters and punctuation correctly

7 In the news We are going to read as a class a news article about the Government’s plans for students leaving education You may want to come nearer the front to read it – I have some copies for those of you who want to read along with me Article on unpaid work

8 Task What do you think about the Government’s plans? Do you think they are a good idea – yes/no, why? I now want you to write a formal letter to; Chris Grayling – Employment Minister Within this letter I want you to explain what you think about the Governments proposed plans and whether you think they are a good idea or not and why Make sure the letter is set out correctly – like the template that I have given you. Remember you are writing to a member of the Government – you cannot use slang – it needs to use formal language You may hand write or type your letter

9 Formal letter layout

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