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God’s Promise of Grace Eph. 2:1-10 Matt. 18:21-35.

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Presentation on theme: "God’s Promise of Grace Eph. 2:1-10 Matt. 18:21-35."— Presentation transcript:

1 God’s Promise of Grace Eph. 2:1-10 Matt. 18:21-35

2 Grace is constant n There no limit to the number of offenses which can be forgiven (Matt. 18:22). n There is no offense too serious for God to forgive (24-27). n There is no offense too small to need forgiveness (28).

3 Grace is costly n When a debt is forgiven, it costs the forgiver. –Our sins cause God great pain (Josh 24:19). –Yet God is willing to absorb the cost (Rom. 5:8). n We often are not willing to give costly forgiveness –It is easy enough to forgive when it doesn’t hurt us. –We must be willing to forgive sacrificially (Matt. 6:12).

4 Grace is conditional n It depends on our willingness to forgive others (32,33, 35). n It depends on our repentance (Luke 17:3-4). n Even our expectation of God’s forgiveness of others depends on their willingness to repent (1 John 5:16ff).

5 Grace is contagious n We marvel at the unmerciful servant! n Yet we too are often slow to forgive others. n Surely God must be amazed by the hardness of our hearts! n Still, most of us have been inspired by the mercy of others.

6 God’s promise is an offer of mercy!

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