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Towards a Vibrant Life In the following slides, we look into: 1. The Non-verbal Contact with life 2. The Radial Dive 3. The Near Death Experience 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards a Vibrant Life In the following slides, we look into: 1. The Non-verbal Contact with life 2. The Radial Dive 3. The Near Death Experience 4."— Presentation transcript:



3 Towards a Vibrant Life

4 In the following slides, we look into: 1. The Non-verbal Contact with life 2. The Radial Dive 3. The Near Death Experience 4. The Silent Mind 5. Some natural scenes Click to proceed

5 The Non-verbal Contact with Life The Non-verbal Contact with Life

6 The Radial Dive

7 The Near Death Experience (The NDE)

8 Salient Features of NDEs 1. Out of Body Awareness – Peacefulness and total relief from pain 2. The Tunnel Travel 3. Meeting a Dead Relative or a Friend in the Tunnel 4. The Light and its embrace 5. Life Review 6. Extraordinary Ambience 7. “Do you want to come this way or return?” 8. Re-entering the body and feeling the pain


10 Effects of NDE 1. Apprehension about death disappears 2. Abundant feeling towards all aspects of life 3. Empathy & compassion in the relationships with all living beings 4. Eagerness to understand both the gross & the subtle manifestations of the Divine - Science & Metaphysics in particular 5. Understanding that there is no punishment in the Divine Field – only education towards inner evolution 6. Extra Sensory Perceptions (ESP)

11 The Silent Mind

12 A few natural scenes






18 The End Now click on the line below to go to the Home Page: Thank You !

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