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Farmers organization that began as a social group but evolved into a political group. Was eventually replaced by the larger Populism Party. The group is.

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Presentation on theme: "Farmers organization that began as a social group but evolved into a political group. Was eventually replaced by the larger Populism Party. The group is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Farmers organization that began as a social group but evolved into a political group. Was eventually replaced by the larger Populism Party. The group is also known as the Patrons of Husbandry. First real attempt by the government to regulate large businesses. Law was passed after the Granger laws regulating Railroads were declared unconstitutional because they tried to regulate interstate commerce. Political Party that developed in the late 1800’s to represent the views of the Mid-western farmers. Had the most affect on elections in the years of 1892-1896. Most of the group political goals were later incorporated by the two major parties. This is the monetary policy of being able to base our system of paper money on the amount of gold the nation has. Populist and Democratic Candidate for President in 1896. Gave the famous “Cross of Gold Speech” in his support for the idea of free coinage of silver. Lost the election to William McKinley. Program of President Theodore Roosevelt to help give every person a fair chance. He pledged to fight the bad trusts and help to reform the evils of society. Government agency created after the publishing of the “Jungle” to make sure the food and medicine we take are safe. Party started by Theodore Roosevelt during his 1912 attempt to run for President as a third party candidate. Socialist leader during the early 1900’s. Received nearly 1 million votes for President. Helped to found the industrial union movement in the late 1800’s. Progressive reform under Woodrow Wilson that created a system of national banks throughout the nations to control the country’s banking system. That same system controls the money supply and interest rate in our nation today. Book by Upton Sinclair. Depicted the abuses of the meatpacking industry. Was originally meant to be a story of the hard life lived by immigrants. Muckraker who wrote about “the History of Standard Oil” and exposed the harsh business practices of John D. Rockefeller. Idea that you should help those that are less fortunate than you. This was practiced by such groups as the Salvation Army and the settlement House movement. Reform governor of Wisconsin. He was a leader in the effort to bring about voter reforms such as the secret ballot, recall, referendums, and initiatives. Became President when William McKinley died. Known for his “big stick” political style where he used the office of President to push for reforms. Established national forest lands, fought big business, and helped get the Panama Canal completed. African American leader who was the first black graduate of Harvard. He stressed that blacks need to be given the same chance at higher education and civil rights as whites. Helped to found the NAACP in 1909. One of the female leaders of the women’s suffrage movement. Was the first woman to have her picture on a U.S. coin. Group of middle class reformers who sought to improve society in the early part of the 1900’s. Name given to the investigative journalists of the Progressive era who tried to show the corruption and greed that was affecting the nation. Wrote a book called the “Jungle” to call attention to the lives of immigrants. However the book did bring attention to the horrible conditions found in the nation’s food industry. U.S. foreign policy goals sent By John Hay to several other nations stating the hope of the U.S., that all nations be given equal access to trade in China. Name given to the sometimes rough but always effective politics of Theodore Roosevelt. He used this type of politics to battle trusts, establish national parks, and build the Panama Canal. This is an addition to the Monroe Doctrine where the U.S. states that any interference in this hemisphere will be done by the United States. Led to U.S. involvement in Panama, Nicaragua, and Mexico among others. Supreme Court Case that made segregation legal with the doctrine of “separate but equal”. Decision made in 1896 African American leader who advocated the teaching of trade skills to help achieve economic equality first. Founded Tuskegee Institute The long time policy of the United States in foreign affairs before the 1890’s. We tried to stay out of the affairs of other nations. New foreign policy of the U.S. beginning in the late 1800’s where we are seeking to establish colonies in different parts of the world. Wrote a book called the “Influence of Sea Power Upon History” where he stressed the need for the U.S. to build and upkeep a modern and powerful navy. Led to the Great White fleet of the early 1900’s. Battle cry of the nation in the Spanish American war after it was destroyed in the harbor of Havana Cuba. Group of volunteer cavalry soldiers led by Theodore Roosevelt in the Spanish American War. Made the famous charge of San Juan Hill. --- Grange Sherman Anti-trust Act Populists Gold StandardWilliam Jennings Bryan Isolationism ImperialismAlfred Mahan Remember the MaineRough Riders Open Door Notes Big StickRoosevelt Corollary Plessy v. FergusonBooker T. Washington Square Deal FDABull Moose / Progressive Eugene V. DebsFederal Reserve WEB DuBoisSusan B. Anthony Progressives MuckrakersUpton Sinclair Jungle Ida TarbellSocial Gospel Robert LaFolletteTeddy Roosevelt

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