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1 FY14 JPSS Annual Review For Satellite Product Development NCWCP (College Park) Room 2552-2553 3 June 2013 Conference Number: 1-877-485-0678 Pass Code:

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Presentation on theme: "1 FY14 JPSS Annual Review For Satellite Product Development NCWCP (College Park) Room 2552-2553 3 June 2013 Conference Number: 1-877-485-0678 Pass Code:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 FY14 JPSS Annual Review For Satellite Product Development NCWCP (College Park) Room 2552-2553 3 June 2013 Conference Number: 1-877-485-0678 Pass Code: 7401090 # Government Only

2 2 Administrative Items Welcome to the FY14 JPSS Annual Review for Satellite Product Development ─ Save questions for after people finish their briefing Restrooms Evacuation Agenda ( BxIzIViM7UiYUVh0SXVVZEpYeE0) BxIzIViM7UiYUVh0SXVVZEpYeE0

3 3 Meeting Objectives Identify projects from last year that are complete Review product development project proposals ─ New starts ─ Continuation projects with and without funding requirements Provide Executive Board adequate information to make FY14 funding allocation recommendations to OSD and JPSS

4 4 LORWG and Executive Board NOAA Line Office reps on LORWG and Executive Board will be asked to score and provide comments on project proposals JPSS Executive Board ─ STAR (Mike Kalb), OSPO (Dave Benner), OSD (Jim Silva) and JPSS (Mitch Goldberg) Executive Board session 10 June 2013 ─ Reach consensus on funding strategies / adjustments ─ Provide guidance on project plan adjustments and updates

5 5 Actions For Satellite Product Manager From The Executive Board Session Document Executive Board and LORWG proposal scores/comments Document Executive Board guidance Draft OSD request to JPSS for funds via the JPSS PSDI Technical Task Agreement (TTA) ─ NOAA JPSS Program Manager finalizes the JPSS PSDI TTA and provides funds Work with Project Leads to finalize their project plans ─ Incorporate guidance from the Exec Board Update the secure SPSRB project data base

6 6 Annual Review Process Discussion sessions for continuation project plans ─ Led by Tom Schott with project lead and/or backup lead support ─ 5 min for projects with no significant issues ─ 10-15 min for complex projects or projects with issues New starts proposals ─ 20 min for briefing and 5 min questions from Exec Board  Brief the highlights and stay on time!  Save questions for after the briefing  Q&A session should be focused on Exec Board questions Exec Board ─ Funding and scoring sheet  Rate projects as high (1), medium (2) or low (3) interest  Identify guidance for adjusting projects (e.g., delay funding by year, delete product enhancement work, terminate project, etc.) ─ COB 6 June finalize scoring sheets and provide them to OSD (Tom Schott) ─ Executive Board proposed for 10 June

7 7 Exec Board Scoring Sheet (Due COB 6 June 2013 to Schott) GuidanceScore

8 8 JPSS Project Plans Summary 25 project plans ─ 22 continuation projects ─ 3 new starts being proposed One JPSS Risk Reduction project ─ Uniform Multi-Sensor Algorithms for Consistent Products ─ Funds requested through JPSS Chief Scientist

9 OSD FY14 JPSS Priorities SNPP product development that address JPSS Level 1 Requirement Document (L1RD) and the L1RD Supplement. This includes blending VIIRS and/or GCOM-W AMSR-2 capabilities with other satellite data. Continuation of existing projects SPSRB approved projects that address outstanding SPSRB User Request. See secure SPSRB web at 9

10 OSD FY14 JPSS Guidance Projects proposing enterprise solutions (e.g., employing common algorithm techniques) are encouraged because they will support the restructuring of NESDIS initiative and the future enterprise ground system Identify costs and schedule to move NUP algorithms from AIX to Linux platforms. NDE will migrate existing AIX algorithms to Linux in 2014. If STAR has hardware shortfalls to test the algorithm migration efforts, they should identify the hardware funding shortfalls. All project plans will use the latest SPSRB Project Plan V14.3 template found at New start projects must have gone through the SPSRB process All project plan milestones should include end user milestones (e.g., Provide End User Test Data, End User System Operational, etc.). Project leads for continuation projects should take this opportunity to update their development, pre-op and op phase dates. In the past, several people updated only the ops date, which made their projects yellow or red because the actual/projected devel or pre-op dates differed significantly from those found in their project plan. OSPO leads need to factor in the proposed new OSPO contract (e.g., period of performance should be realistic and take into account the anticipated date the new contract will be in place. SNPP projects should not duplicate the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Program Office efforts. We should build upon the JPSS delivered sensor data records (SDRs), temperature data records (TDRs) and environmental data records (EDRs). NDE projects should coordinate their IT requirements with Geof Goodrum, the NDE IT architect, before submission of the project plans to OSD. The core set GCOM-W AMSR-2 products found in the JPSS L1RD will be funded through JPSS and will not be reviewed at this review. Blended satellite development projects need to clearly show appropriate funding from POES, GOES and JPSS. For example, if FY14 work is all related to JPSS, it would be funded by JPSS. If FY14 work were 50% POES and 50% JPSS, the FY14 would be equally split between POES and JPSS. 10

11 11 Preliminary Funding Status (K) FY14 JPSS PSDITTA Request1978.3 Approved1103.4 Unallocated874.9 Unfundeds1043.3 Difference-168.4 JPSS Risk ReductionBaseline2084.0 Approved2084.0 Unallocated0 Unfundeds0 Difference0 FY14 Polar PSDIUnallocated892.3 Geo PSDIUnallocated620.3 Blended unfundeds and GIMPAP will use these funds

12 Challenges Rebaseline projects due to 42% sequestration cut in FY13 ─ Handling FY13 OSPO contract ceiling and FY14 re-complete Separating POES, GOES, S-NPP, GCOM-W and other satellite resource requirements in blended satellite product development efforts Full cost accounting for satellite product funds and reporting to JPSS Requirements validation for products not found in the JPSS Level 1 Requirements Document or Supplement 12

13 JDE Satellite Product Requirements ProjectObservational ParameterJPSS L1RDJPSS L1RD Sup Table 2.2 NOAA- 19 MetOpEOS MiRSLand Surface EmissivityAppendix A Table 1Table 5.5.3Yes No Land Surface TempAppendix A Table 1Table No Rainfall RateAppendix A Table 1Table 5.2.13Yes No Moisture ProfileAppendix A Table 1Table No Sea Ice ConcentrationAppendix A Table 1Table 5.6.4Yes No Snow CoverAppendix A Table 1Table No Snow Water EquivalentAppendix A Table 1Table 5.5.7Yes No Temperature ProfileAppendix A Table 1Table No Total Precipitable WaterAppendix A Table 1Table 5.2.15Yes No NUCAPSAtmospheric Vertical Moisture ProfileAppendix A Table 1Table Atmospheric Temp Moisture ProfileAppendix A Table 1Table Carbon Monoxide (CO)Appendix A Table 1Table 5.2.5NoYes Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 )Appendix A Table 1Table 5.2.6NoYes Methane (CH 4 )Appendix A Table 1Table 5.2.7NoYes Infrared Ozone ProfileAppendix A Table 1Table 5.2.8NoYes Green Veg Fraction Appendix A Table 1Table 5.5.2YesNo Polar Winds Appendix A Table 1Table 5.2.12Yes ACSPOSea Surface TempsAppendix A Table 1Table 5.6.5Yes OMPS Limb Profiler Ozone Limb ProfileAppendix A Table 1Table 5.2.9No Ocean Color Appendix A Table 1Table 5.6.2No Yes Vegetation HealthVegetation Health Index SuiteAppendix A Table 1Table 5.5.10YesNo

14 JDE Satellite Product Requirements ProjectObservational ParameterNOAA-19MetOpEOS ACSPOBlended Sea Surface TempYes IMS 3Blended Snow CoverYes Polar-Geo Blended Hydro ProductsBlended Rainfall RateYes No Blended Total Precipitable WaterYes No Total Ozone Analysis (TOAST)Blended OzoneYes No Global Soil Moisture ProductsBlended Soil MoistureNoYesNearly Ensemble Tropical Rainfall PotentialBlended RainfallYes No Microwave and Diurnal Corrected Blended SST Blended Sea Surface TempNo Nearly JPSS Supplement requirement L1RDS-2260, “The JPSS shall support modifications to ESPC blended products.” JPSS Supplement requirement Section 3.5 L1RDS-2260, “The ESPC shall monitor data input and output quality.” Project Product Monitoring Tool JPSS L1RD requirement 7.2: “JPSS shall support hardware and software modifications to NOAA’s ESPC to accommodate the processing and distribution of data from S-NPP, JPSS-1, JPSS-2, Free Flyer-2, and GCOM-W constellation.” Project NetCDF4 Reformatting Toolkit AMSR2 McIDAS Tailoring Toolkit

15 JDE Satellite Product Requirements NESDIS has received S-NPP related Satellite Products and Services Review Board (SPSRB) user requests ─ We attempt to link requirements to NOAA CORL but the process could be improved ─ 3 projects were approved by the Exec Board as new starts in FY13 in Sep 2012 and not in the JPSS L1RD Need to develop a business processes for determining how to handle these requests for new satellite product capabilities and get NJO Program Manager approval ProjectObservational ParameterSPSRB #User* NOAA-19* MetOp Microwave Tropical Cyclone Products Tropical cyclone maximum wind 1009-0017NWS Hurricane Centers Development Radii of 34 knot winds1009-0017NWS Hurricane Centers Development Radii of 60 knot winds1009-0017NWS Hurricane Centers Development Radii of 84 knot winds1009-0017NWS Hurricane Centers Development Balanced horizontal winds at 1000 to 200 mb 1009-0017NWS Hurricane Centers Development Minimum sea level pressure1009-0017NWS Hurricane Centers Development CrIS Outgoing Longwave Radiation Outgoing Longwave Radiation 0907-0015NWS Climate Prediction Center NoYes MiRS Snow Grain and Sea Ice Age Snow Grain Size1202-0002NWS and othersDevelopment Sea Ice Age1202-0002NWS and othersDevelopment High Res Land CoverGVI, NDVI, Eco Classes1105-0008NWSNA * NOAA-19 and MetOp development funded by POES

16 16 Outstanding Issues with Project Plans User requirements and user readiness to use new capabilities Providing IT resource requirements for OSPO IT planning ─ OSPO IT security assessment funding Linking requirements needs to other funding lines ─ STAR and OSPO baseline funding for science and operational maintenance IT investments ─ No OSD ground system review process for JPSS IT investments Defining archive process ─ SPI WG and CLASS Operational Working Group (CO WG) provided new guidance: ─ Archive within CLASS has basically come to a stop due to resource issues Defining spending plan details ─ Need adequate details to justify the funding

17 17 JPSS Procurement, Acquisition and Construction (PAC) Funds Satellite product development funding ─ Develop and implement new or improved products to meet validated operational user requirements ─ Transition from research to operations ─ Focus is software development New and upgraded IT capabilities included in some projects PAC funding is not for operations and maintenance

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