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BioMed Central Editors' Day Annette Thomas – Chief Scientific Officer 19 MAY 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "BioMed Central Editors' Day Annette Thomas – Chief Scientific Officer 19 MAY 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 BioMed Central Editors' Day Annette Thomas – Chief Scientific Officer 19 MAY 2015

2 Springer Nature is a major new force in scientific, academic, educational and professional publishing BMC Editorial Conference

3 By coming together we have the opportunity to take the lead in Open Research Open Access Open Data Policy Services Open Access Open Data Policy Services IMPACT Quality: highest ranking multidisciplinary title Momentum: fastest growth in market in 2014 (54%) Brand: strong product brands BREADTH/DEPTH Pioneer: first commercial OA publisher Size: largest OA publisher Know-how: advanced infrastructure BMC Editorial Conference  Multidisciplinary: leading across disciplines  Interdisciplinary: breaking down barriers across geographies and subject areas  Discoverability: maximising the efficiency of research and enabling access for a wider population  Velocity: accelerating research

4 Thank you BMC Editorial Conference ANNETTE THOMAS Chief Scientific Officer

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