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How can CEOS go forward? Gilberto Camara(INPE) 2010 CEOS Chair 1 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "How can CEOS go forward? Gilberto Camara(INPE) 2010 CEOS Chair 1 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 How can CEOS go forward? Gilberto Camara(INPE) 2010 CEOS Chair 1 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 2009

2 A Vision for CEOS The 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 20092 Working Groups (WGISS, WGEdu, WGCV) Constellations and Data Democracy Task Forces CEOS Community Space Agencies and Decision-Making GEO, Scientific Community, Society

3 Forty years ago, in 1969, our space program reached the moon. photo: NASA

4 Where will we be in 2050? photo: Yan Aarhus Bertrand

5 "We went to explore the Moon, and in fact discovered the Earth." Eugene Cernan photo: NASA

6 “Climate change is not only about climate. It will change everything and will define a new human society”

7 “Scientists have models for estimating the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere when a given plot of land is razed. This information can now be extracted fairly accurately from satellite images. Access to information will be critical. A few satellites can cover the entire globe, but there needs to be a system in place to ensure their images are readily available to everyone who needs them. Brazil has set an important precedent by making its Earth- observation data available, and the rest of the world should follow suit.” Only 18 months ago…

8 CBERS-LANDSAT @INPE: 1 million images (2004-2009) Open access data policy: a qualified success LANDSAT @USGS: 1 million images (Jan-Aug-2009) GMES Sentinels @ESA-EC: Data will be open access (Sep 2009) CBERS image of Manaus LANDSAT image of Guiné-Bissau Sentinel-2

9 Open access data polices will enable the Global Earth Observation System of Systems to succeed

10 The Forest Carbon Tracking task should lead to a Global Forest Information System LBA tower in Amazonia (source: INPE) CEOS should have ambitious tasks

11 What about water-related tasks in CEOS? photo: Yan Aarhus Bertrand

12 23/4/2007CEOS Constellation, Florianopolis12 Ocean surface topography constellation The constellations are working and should be maintained

13 We know earth observation data is essential for the planet… images: NASA-INPE

14 … but data democracy needs to reach the masses photo: Yan Aarhus Bertrand

15 “It is in our power to eradicate poverty by 2050; it is in our power to eradicate disease by 2050; but it is also in our power to destroy ourselves by 2050.” photo: Yan Aarhus Bertrand

16 CEOS has the power to change how our space agencies are viewed by society photo: G Camara

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