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Ajax 模組 timer 用法. 安裝 ASPAJAXExtSetup 編輯 ASP.NET 工具用.

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Presentation on theme: "Ajax 模組 timer 用法. 安裝 ASPAJAXExtSetup 編輯 ASP.NET 工具用."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ajax 模組 timer 用法

2 安裝 ASPAJAXExtSetup 編輯 ASP.NET 工具用

3 點選 NEXT 即可

4 安裝完成

5 開啟新網站,建立新的頁面

6 工具箱出現了 AJAX 的工具元件

7 放置一個 SCRIPTMANAGER 放置一個 TIMER 放置一個 PANEL( 一網頁可多個 ) 拖曳兩個 LABEL


9 TIMER 屬性 INTERVAL 設定 1000 單位 ( 為一秒 )

10 分別在 TIMER_TICK 與 PAGE_LOAD 輸入 label1.text=now 與 label2.text=now

11 點選網頁按滑鼠右鍵 設定 default.aspx 為起始頁




15 在頁面上放置 PANEL 與 LABEL


17 抓取資料庫最新的一筆資料放到各個 LABEL.TEXT

18 判斷各個 LABEL 大於或小於數值,讓 IMAGE.IMAGEURL 產生變化

19 簡單呈現 LABEL 與圖形變化

20 使用 OWC 畫統計圖

21 安裝 OWC11 網頁元件


23 加入參考


25 Imports owc11

26 'First create a ChartSpace object to hold the chart Dim objCSpace As ChartSpace = New ChartSpaceClass() 'Add a chart and provide a type Dim objChart As ChChart = objCSpace.Charts.Add(0) ' 變更圖形 objChart.Type = ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeArea3D 'add chart titles and legend objChart.HasTitle = True objChart.Title.Caption = "ASP.NET Charts" objChart.HasLegend = True objChart.Legend.Border.DashStyle = OWC11.ChartLineDashStyleEnum.chLineDash objChart.Legend.Position = OWC11.ChartLegendPositionEnum.chLegendPositionRight 'Populate with contrived data ' 數值 Dim strCategory As String = "Cars, Trucks, Vans, Big Rigs, Motorcycles, Mopeds" Dim strValue As String = "13,12,31,43,23,15" 'Add a series to the chart's series collection objChart.SeriesCollection.Add(0) 'load the category and value data objChart.SeriesCollection(0).SetData(ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimCategories, CInt(ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum.chDataLiteral), strCategory) objChart.SeriesCollection(0).SetData(ChartDimensionsEnum.chDimValues, CInt(ChartSpecialDataSourcesEnum.chDataLiteral), strValue) 'show the chart on the client Response.ContentType = "image/gif" Response.BinaryWrite(DirectCast(objCSpace.GetPicture("gif", 500, 400), Byte())) Response.[End]()


28 連接資料 顯示要呈現的兩個欄位

29 Dim strCategory As String = "" Dim strValue As String = "" Dim sum As Integer cn.Open() Dim cm As New SqlDataAdapter("select top 100 * from cc_t", cn) cm.Fill(dbset, "cc") If dbset.Tables("cc").Rows.Count > 15 Then sum = (dbset.Tables("cc").Rows.Count - 1) \ 15 For x As Integer = 0 To dbset.Tables("cc").Rows.Count - 1 Step sum strCategory = strCategory & "," & dbset.Tables("cc").Rows(x).Item("c_t") strValue = strValue & "," & dbset.Tables("cc").Rows(x).Item("cc") Next Else For x As Integer = 0 To dbset.Tables("cc").Rows.Count - 1 strCategory = strCategory & "," & dbset.Tables("cc").Rows(x).Item("c_t") strValue = strValue & "," & dbset.Tables("cc").Rows(x).Item("cc") Next End If sum = (dbset.Tables("cc").Rows.Count - 1) \ 15 For x As Integer = 0 To dbset.Tables("cc").Rows.Count - 1 Step sum strCategory = strCategory & "," & dbset.Tables("cc").Rows(x).Item("c_t") strValue = strValue & "," & dbset.Tables("cc").Rows(x).Item("cc") Next cn.Close()


31 建立另一個新網頁 放置一個 BUTTON 與 IMAGE

32 點選 IMAGE 屬性 imageurl 設定建置 OWC 的網頁 例 : xxx.aspx

33 Dim sql1 As String = "select top 100 * from cc_t" cn.Open() Dim cm As New SqlCommand(sql1, cn) Dim reader As SqlDataReader = cm.ExecuteReader If reader.Read Then cn.Close() Session("a") = sql1 'Image1.Visible = True Else 'Image1.Visible = False cn.Close() Response.Write(" alert('sql 指令錯誤 ');<") Response.Write("/script>") End If


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