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Bullying Should State or Federal governments make laws against bullying? Joseph Machaj.

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Presentation on theme: "Bullying Should State or Federal governments make laws against bullying? Joseph Machaj."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullying Should State or Federal governments make laws against bullying? Joseph Machaj

2 What is Bullying 10 to 75% of kids are bullying, huge range because of self reporting Thirty three percent of students and ten percent of teachers say bullying is only physical or teasing and leave their definition at that. Only 5.3 percent of students include social exclusion as part of bullying (Brank, Hoetger, and Hazen 213-230).

3 Why does bullying occur? variety of factors that influence and cause bullying Impulsive children have a higher chance of being a bully If parents have committed crimes or if the child sees abuse between them If the child lacks empathy

4 Can you legislate good behavior? Simple answer no Bullying is a behavior issue Do people not speed because it is illegal? Current laws tell schools to prevent bullying and leave it at that.

5 Pros of laws Good press Parents will talk to their kids in the short term People fell like things are being done about this problem

6 Cons Makes people feel like something is being done to prevent bullying, when not much is being done Define bullying Parents will become complacent about bullying in the long term

7 What can be done? 1983 three kids committed suicide in Norway, then they implemented a plan 2 years later bullying is cut in half Must teach kids teachers and parents

8 Citations Aarons, Dakarai I. "Efforts to End Bullying, A Challenge to Leaders, Gain New Momentum; Fresh Focus on Prevention, Intervention, and Response.".Education Week 12 May 2010: 10. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. Brank, Eve, Lori Hoetger, and Katherine Hazen. "Bullying." Annual Review of Law and.Social Science 8. (2012): 213-230. Annual Reviews. Database. 1 Apr 2013. "Effectiveness of State Anti-Bullying Laws Questioned; Children's Suicides Spark Calls for Greater Efforts to Curb Problem in Schools." Education Week 23 Sept. 2009: 7. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. "There's Only One Way to Stop a Bully." New York Times 23 July 2010: A23(L). Biography In Context. Web. 1 Apr. 2013. "Statistics." Kids Community Watch. Kids Community Watch, 2012. Web. 15 Apr. 2013. "Strict anti-bullying laws could actually make matters worse." Maclean's 19 Mar. 2012: 4+..Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 27 Mar. 2013. "U.S. EDUCATION DEPARTMENT RELEASES ANALYSIS OF STATE BULLYING LAWS AND POLICIES." States News Service 6 Dec. 2011. Biography In Context. Web. 28 Mar. 2013.

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