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Winning the Revolution

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1 Winning the Revolution
Chapter 9 Winning the Revolution

2 Second Continental Congress
Decisions made by the continental congress Electing an army commander-George Washington Declaring independence from Great Britain Forming an army

3 Thomas Paine Felt it was time to declare independence from Britain
Wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense Using language that was easy to understand, it convinced people that colonies should declare independence from Britain Because of this pamphlet, The Declaration of Independence was drafted

4 The Declaration of Independence
Main arguments of the Declaration of Independence: people are born with “unalienable rights” This meant that peoples’ rights could not be taken away The government cannot abuse these rights According to the Declaration, the British government , namely the king, did abuse his power

5 A Dangerous Decision Signing the Declaration of Independence was dangerous The colonists would be considered traitors by King George III and hung for their defiance

6 Washington Takes Command
Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys seized a British fort and captured British cannons Washington’s men had surrounded British troops in Boston With the cannons he may be able to force British out of Boston He received the cannons and placed them on hills above Boston When British troops saw the cannons, they left the city

7 Defeat and Victory After British troop left Boston, Washington suffered several defeats. Washington’s Army retreated to New Jersey. They were short on food and clothing (shoes) and many soldiers were sick, cold, and hungry Because of this, many men died Washington decided it was time to make a move He wanted a surprise attack on Trenton On the morning after Christmas, his men crossed the Delaware River and attacked the Hessians. The men captured the town and took 1,000 Hessian prisoners. The victory had renewed hope to many Americans

8 Battle of Saratoga Two armies clashed in this battle
British army suffered heavy loses They were running out of food and American army was growing bigger everyday with help from nearby towns British troops surrendered This was known as the “turning point” of the American Revolution It showed that America can win this war Because of this victory, France decided to become allies and join the war

9 African Americans and Women of the Revolutionary War
Many were promised freedom if they fought for the Continental Army They fought in almost every battle for the war Overall, about 5,000 served in the Army Prince Hall was an African American Patriot who led the struggle to end slavery Women’s contributions to the war Repaired socks and uniforms, delivered water to soldiers on battle field, wrote stories and poetry

10 Help from other Nations
America was struggling to win the war. They received help from other nations France They were sending ships, soldiers, and money to help aid in the war Spain Spaniards captured key British forts along Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico

11 Battle at Yorktown British troops headed north and set up camp at Yorktown Washington decided to head south He felt that with the French army already down there, they could trap the British With the arrival of the French Navy, the colonists won the war. The British soldiers were blocked in and surrendered This was the last major battle of the American Revolution and the war began to come to a close

12 Treaty of Paris New struggles began
Officially ending the American Revolution It was signed by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. In this treaty, Great Britain recognized the United States of America as an independent nation. New struggles began What kind of government would the country have? How long would slavery continue in US? What decision would be made about Native Americans?

13 Questions to know for test
Why did the Second Continental Congress form the Continental Army before sending the Olive Branch Petition to King George III? What convinced many people in the colonies that it was time to declare independence? Why? What risk was taken by those who signed the Declaration of Independence? What effect did the American victory at Saratoga have on other nations? Why were more than 2500 members of Washington’s army lost at Valley Forge? In what way did the Treaty of Paris create a new set of challenges for the Americans?

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