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Intramural Hockey The Deets. What IS it?? A group of students with various levels of skill that get together on Saturday nights and play hockey.

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Presentation on theme: "Intramural Hockey The Deets. What IS it?? A group of students with various levels of skill that get together on Saturday nights and play hockey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intramural Hockey The Deets

2 What IS it?? A group of students with various levels of skill that get together on Saturday nights and play hockey

3 How’s THAT work? Players on each team are put into lines based on their level of skill: Line 1: Skates and handles puck really well Line 2: Skates pretty good and can manage the puck Line 3: Skates okay and can kinda control the puck Line 4: Can’t skate too well nor manage the puck **Each team’s lines play against the same lines for the opposing team.

4 How are teams created? 1.Fill out Level of Play Form 2.Draft – random selection 3.Teams: Equal # of males and females Equal # of skill levels

5 What will I need in order to play? 1.Non-competitive streak – it’s intramurals 2.Helmet – no one on the ice without one 3.Stick 4.Skates - these can be provided if need be 5.Athletic Participation Consent Form 6.Commitment to attend 7.Ride 8.Punctuality

6 But wait…..there’s more! 1. Absolutely NO drinking or drugs. 2. No physical contact– it’s intramurals 3. Be respectful to everyone 4. Make every effort to attend the first game 5. $20 to cover costs of jerseys and chaperons

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