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The Republic of Armenia The management of labour migration and pre-departure preparation of the migrants.

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Presentation on theme: "The Republic of Armenia The management of labour migration and pre-departure preparation of the migrants."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Republic of Armenia The management of labour migration and pre-departure preparation of the migrants

2 The Republic of Armenia The Armenian government adopted the concept on state migration regulation policy of RA was adopted On December 30 th of 2010. Also the action plan of 2011-2016 of the concept was adopted in the spring of 2011.

3 The action plan from 2012 to 2016 It is intended by the action plan to carry out events in the following directions. 1. The analyses of the judicial fields of the migration sphere  The analyses of the international judicial fields and membership  The study of the international experience in the regulation of migration policy  The development or improvement of the mechanisms implied to receive, refine and analyze the migration data 5. The rise of the migrants’ awareness level

4 The involvement of diplomatic representatives in the regulation of migration The promotion of intergovernmental agreements aimed at the regulation of migration The implementation of regulation mechanisms in the domestic labour market of foreign labour force The action plan from 2012 to 2016 It is intended by the action plan to carry out events in the following directions.

5 The regulation of Labour Migration Тhe priority of the target countries for the RA are being studied after which some actions will be taken to conclude intergovernmental agreements. The involvement of diplomatic representatives with migration issues will be developed.

6 Pre-departure Preparation of Labour migrants  3 Migration Resource Centers have been launched within State Employment Service Agency. The aim of Migration Resource Centers is to inform, orient and retrain those who intend to leave the country to work abroad (mainly Labour migrants) as well as to support their reintegration after return.  With the assistance of MRC a Hot line is being established which will provide information about migration legislation of Poland and Armenia and other information within their competence.

7 Pre-departure Preparation of Labour migrants  A hot line will be set up in web-site. Significant information about the job opportunities and legislation of RF is available on the web-site.  With the assistance of MRC a short information film has been produced for potential migrants who want to work in RF. This film is also shown in MRC and is available on the web-site  Due to IOM MRC information guides on migration issues of 16 European countries and due to ILO those on Russian migration issues have been edited and published.

8 An agreement was signed with EU The aim of the cooperation for moblity is 1.To have legal and labour migration, including a better management of circular and temporary migration 2.To establish cooperation in the field of migration and its stimulation within the framework of certain competences of the sygnatory, taking into account the labour market and the social and economic conditons. 3.To prevent and battle against illegal migration, human trafficking and smuggling. 4.To reinforce the efficient policy for reintegration and return respecting human rights and the corresponding international tools for the protection of refugees.

9 Thank You for your Attention Հայաստանի Հանրապետություն

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