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By Megan Ray. “We want to know whether the universe simply happens to be what it is for no reason or whether there is a power behind it that makes it.

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Presentation on theme: "By Megan Ray. “We want to know whether the universe simply happens to be what it is for no reason or whether there is a power behind it that makes it."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Megan Ray

2 “We want to know whether the universe simply happens to be what it is for no reason or whether there is a power behind it that makes it what it is.” -C.S. Lewis

3 Lewis states that the universe is something that just exists and we humans just play a role in its existence. He questions whether there truly is a power or a creator that exists beyond the universe that created everything as we know it. Lewis’ works explain this theory, but ultimately the question lies with the reader and what he or she believes. How was the Earth created? Were there Gods that created the world? What defines good and evil?

4 Good - adjective  1.morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man.  2.satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health.  3.of high quality; excellent.  4.right; proper; fit: It is good that you are here. His credentials are good.  5.well-behaved: a good child.  6.kind, beneficent, or friendly: to do a good deed.  7.honorable or worthy; in good standing: a good

5 Evil- adjective  1.morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked: evil deeds; an evil life.  2.harmful; injurious: evil laws.  3.characterized or accompanied by misfortune or suffering; unfortunate; disastrous: to be fallen on evil days.  4.due to actual or imputed bad conduct or character: an evil reputation.

6 Determining what good and evil are essentially the major question to all humanity, because everyone has his or her own depiction, of what good and evil is, just as everyone has their own depiction of the creation of Earth.

7 Stating the difference between good and evil is much more than this status of who are the heroes and villains, but instead is an internal and external conflict between oneself.

8 In Beowulf, the main character Beowulf represents the archetype of this hero that embarks on this adventure to fight evil. Beowulf is this example of how there are good people and how there are evil people. Each character portrays this idea of good and evil based on the task in which they complete. There is a fine line of what good and evil exactly are because Beowulf portrays this good figure and Grendel portrays this evil figure, but not all ideas of good and evil are obviously stated as an archetype as they were in the book Beowulf.

9 The Screwtape Letters: In this book, a young newly founded Christian undergoes temptation by a young devil called Wormwood. The main theme of this book was to show that Christians see through the devils schemes and ways of manipulation. Christians know how to cut out the devilish ways of temptation and instead stay faithful to the truth (God). In this book good and evil are distinguished as good resembling Heaven and evil resembling Hell.

10 About The Screwtape Letters Screwtape is a devious demon that sends letters to his nephew Wormwood to help him towards his job of manipulating the lives of Christians. Screwtape is good at what he does and acts as the mentor in the book, he has a different task that Wormwood needs to do and tells the young demon exactly how to change the thoughts of the patient. The main motives behind the demon’s acts are to distort the emotions, the imagination, and the Christian will.

11 The demons do this in order to make the patient question things and to alter the way images are pictured in your mind into dark and unhappy thoughts. Wormwood becomes the patient’s conscience. By doing this, the patient begins to question everything, which is what the demons want, because temptation ultimately allows the Christian to stray from the truth.

12 Examples of Good and Evil  Adam and Eve  Sir Gawain and the Green Knight  Beowulf  The Screwtape Letters  Dante’s Inferno  Harry Potter  The Chronicles of Narnia

13 Michelangelo Buonarroti: The Last Judgement  This painting is in the Sistine Chapel  In the painting, Christ is in the center of the piece with a radiant glow of luminescent sunlight shining behind him. Just from these colors, the viewer can detect that Christ is this father figure that is the ultimate form of good.

14 Evil is something that can appear when you least expect it, especially when it is an internal confrontation when your conscience is telling you to do something you shouldn’t. Ultimately evil is something that cannot have a definition, it is just something that has to be recognized based on your feelings towards the action committed.

15 Wormwood is just another voice in the patients head, telling him what to do, if you think about it, you have a version of Wormwood in your head telling you what good and evil is. Many works portray this idea of good and evil, but it is up to the individual to determine the criteria behind what good and evil is. Just as Christians follow the Bible to determine the guidelines of what a good Christian would consider good and what they would consider evil (sin).

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