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Egypt is one of the most interesting country in the world.So in this PowerPoint I'm going to try and find out as much as much as I can about Egypt.

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2 Egypt is one of the most interesting country in the world.So in this PowerPoint I'm going to try and find out as much as much as I can about Egypt

3 The ancient Egyptian people were like normal people.Accept their was different ranks on top the pharaohs and last was the slaves. Most people got married at 11 years old and then died in their 30s.That was probably because the lack of food and the hard work every day

4 1.Pharoh 2.Priests 3.Nobles 4.Merchants 5Craftsmen 6.Farmers 7.Labours 8.Slaves

5 Food and drink was all made by them selves so they put a lot of hard work in to trying to get food. If they didn’t they would die. They grew crops and hunted for animals and fished. They made there own beer and wine the beer was made by mashed stale.

6 Priests decorated the walls of temples and tombs with Hieroglyphics. There are over 700 different symbols. The people who did the writings were called scribes. Papyrus was a type of paper which was made of reeds.

7 The ruler of ancient Egypt was the pharaoh. He owned nearly all the land.He gave orders to his people, telling them what crops to grow. He lived in a royal palace. The people believed he was a god. The pharaohs oldest was usually trained to be next pharaoh.

8 It is believed that over 100,000 people worked for twenty years to build the great pyramid. Over 2 million blocks were used to build it. One block weighed about 400 men. They didn't have anything to pull them up so they did it themselves. The great pyramid is one of the wonders of the world.

9 JANUARY TO MARCH= The farmers got water from the Nile MARCH= The corn is ready to harvest. JUNE= The farmers now harvest the dates,grapes,olives and veg THE END OF JULY = The Nile begins to rise AUGUST = The river Nile is high the harvest is over SEPTEMBER = They start fishing because the water is high. LATE SEPTEMBER = The people move to high land OCTOBER = Mark the height of the Nile on the nilometer NOVEMBER = The water goes down so the farmers go back to plough DECEMBER = The farmers plant the seeds for the new year

10 They didn’t have cars, vans, lorrys, or motorbikes so they mostly walked. But

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