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Jeopardy Islam East Asia The Mongols AfricaIndia Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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2 Jeopardy Islam East Asia The Mongols AfricaIndia Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Islam This means “house of Islam”

4 $100 Answer from Islam Dar al Islam

5 $200 Question from Islam The Islamic holy law

6 $200 Answer from Islam Sharia law

7 $300 Question from Islam This is the community of Islam

8 $300 Answer from Islam umma

9 $400 Question from Islam Capital of the Abbasid empire

10 $400 Answer from Islam Baghdad

11 $500 Question from Islam The collections of Muhammad’s words and deeds (hint: not the Quran)

12 $500 Answer from Islam The Hadith

13 $100 Question from East Asia This project was built during the Sui dynasty.

14 $100 Answer from East Asia Grand Canal

15 $200 Question from East Asia Tang plan to avoid the wealthy from gaining too much power

16 $200 Answer from East Asia Equal-field system

17 $300 Question from East Asia Ritual performed during a tributary relationship

18 $300 Answer from East Asia kowtow

19 $400 Question from East Asia This cultural practice is an example of a patriarchal society

20 $400 Answer from East Asia Foot binding

21 $500 Question from East Asia Most influential naval innovation from China

22 $500 Answer from East Asia Magnetic compass

23 $100 Question from Mongols The Mongols ended this empire in 1258.

24 $100 Answer from Mongols The Abbasid

25 $200 Question from Mongols The Mongols ended this dynasty in 1279

26 $200 Answer from Mongols Song Dynasty

27 $300 Question from Mongols Marco Polo spent about 20 years at the court of this ruler

28 $300 Answer from Mongols Khubilai Khan

29 $400 Question from Mongols After Genghis Khan died, his empire was split into _____ parts.

30 $400 Answer from Mongols four

31 $500 Question from Mongols The main reason why the Mongols lost much of their empire within a century of Genghis Khan’s death

32 $500 Answer from Mongols Poor administrators

33 $100 Question from Africa Oral historians and storytellers of Western Africa

34 $100 Answer from Africa Griots

35 $200 Question from Africa Bantu society political organization

36 $200 Answer from Africa Family groups and klans

37 $300 Question from Africa Source of Mali wealth

38 $300 Answer from Africa Control of Gold Trade

39 $400 Question from Africa This person made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca

40 $400 Answer from Africa Mansa Musa

41 $500 Question from Africa This determined how wealthy a person was in sub-Sahara Africa

42 $500 Answer from Africa Slave ownership

43 $100 Question from India These materials were the major exports of Africa (must list 3)

44 $100 Answer from India Ivory, Gold, Salt, Slaves, Wood

45 $200 Question from India The leader of the Turks who was less interested in conquering then plundering the wealth of the local temples.

46 $200 Answer from India Mahmud of Ghazni

47 $300 Question from India Warehouses that were established along the Indian Ocean Trade Network

48 $300 Answer from India Emporia

49 $400 Question from India These groups wielded significant political and economic influence in India because of the success of trade.

50 $400 Answer from India Merchant Guilds

51 $500 Question from India The two main regional states in Southern India

52 $500 Answer from India Chola Kingdom and Kingdom of Vijayanagar.

53 Final Jeopardy The Shia sect originated with this belief.

54 Final Jeopardy Answer The caliphate should come from the line of Ali

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