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Comments on the Plenary Session Presentation by John Forster United States Aquaculture Society 1 March 2011, New Orleans On “Towards a Marine Agronomy”

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Presentation on theme: "Comments on the Plenary Session Presentation by John Forster United States Aquaculture Society 1 March 2011, New Orleans On “Towards a Marine Agronomy”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Comments on the Plenary Session Presentation by John Forster United States Aquaculture Society 1 March 2011, New Orleans On “Towards a Marine Agronomy”

2 Based in large part upon Duarte, et al. (2009) Will the Oceans Help Feed Humanity? BioScience 59(11):967-976 Wilcox, H.A. (1968) The Ocean as Supplier of Food and Energy

3 What we face 2050 - over 9 billion people Higher demand for protein Limited freshwater Limited arable land Limited amounts of key nutrients

4 We Are NOT Using the Oceans Efficiently! Over 70% of surface area of the Earth Contain more than 97% of the water Produces less than 2% of our food – 6,600 million metric tons from agriculture – 83 million metric tons from fisheries How is that possible when so many fisheries are near collapse? – 3+ trophic levels between phytoplankton & the fish we eat


6 Traditional Aquaculture is Not the Answer! Focus on high-level predators Previously based on trash fish and then fish meal Now using more plant protein from agricuture – Competition as human food – Biofuels using land


8 A Possible Vision for a Marine Agronomy – Based Protein Production System “Laminaria, averaging 19.4 metric tons dry weight per hectare per year would need only 1% of the Earth’s ocean surface to grow an amount of seaweed equal to all the food plants currently farmed on land” “Production for processing into animal feed … inspires a vision of a future self-sustaining marine agronomy where feed for farmed fish is made from seaweed”

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