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3rd Grade 100 200 400 300 400 Properties of Rocks Rock Lab Earth Materials Rocks and Minerals 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 3rd Grade

3 100 200 400 300 400 Properties of Rocks Rock Lab Earth Materials Rocks and Minerals 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 When you describe a rock As blue what property are using? color

5 1,2 When I say “the rock looks Like a sponge” or “the Rock feels like sandpaper” what Property am I using? texture

6 1,3 The statement “my rock weighs 2 grams” uses Which property? size

7 1,4 “I can scratch my rock With a penny and a paper Clip” uses which property? hardness

8 2,1 What did we use to weigh our mock rocks? scale

9 2,2 What would be a question you Could ask about the rock lab? Any reasonable question will work

10 2,3 Make an accurate data statement What can you learn from this graph?

11 2,4 Any property would work

12 3,1 Minerals

13 3,2 rock

14 3,3 soil

15 3,4 clay

16 4,1 Define sand. Sand is composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles

17 4,2 Define clay. Clay is a naturally occurring mineral composed of fine- grained materials which can be hardened or fired

18 4,3 Define rock. Naturally occurring combination of minerals

19 4,4 Name the difference between A rock and a mineral. All rocks are made up of minerals, and minerals are not made of rocks

20 5,1 Describe the rock using two Or more properties. Properties - texture, color, size, or other

21 5,2 What minerals were found In our mock rocks? Calcite, oyster shells, sand etc

22 5,3 How large does gravel need to Be in order to tell the difference between Sand and gravel? Show or 2mm

23 5,4 Name two different types of minerals. Gypsum, granite, calcite, marble, quartz, basalt, sandstone, limestone or feldspar

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