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1 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Processing  Install Processing  Learn how to edit, run, save, export,

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Presentation on theme: "1 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Processing  Install Processing  Learn how to edit, run, save, export,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Processing  Install Processing  Learn how to edit, run, save, export, post programs  Understand overall structure of programs  Learn basic types, operators, loops  Learn basic printing and graphics  Have some fun

2 2 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Download  Go to  Download the latest version

3 3 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Run processing Type your program here Print here run save Export into Java Applet stop

4 4 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Write and run program 1) Type in your program 2) Press run 3) Default graphics window opens 4) Print appears here

5 5 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Save it  Choose default folder where programs should be saved  Save your program as P1  It creates a FOLDER P1 and saves your program as P1.pde –To see it: Preferences Save As Show Sketch Folder

6 6 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Try an example program Mouse2D

7 7 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Run the example

8 8 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Understand the overall structure // Mouse 2D THIS IS A COMMENT void setup() // EXECUTED AT INITIALIZATION {// BEGIN OF SETUP size(200, 200); // SIZE OF SCREEN IN PIXELS noStroke();// DON’T DRAW LINES (OR RECTANGLE BORDERS) colorMode(RGB, 255, 255, 255, 100);// MAX FOR R, G, B, OPACITY rectMode(CENTER);// FIRST 2 PARAM OF rect SPECIFY CENTER }// END OF SETUP void draw() // EXECUTED ALL THE TIME TO REFRESH WINDOW { background(51); // SETTS GRAY BACKGROUND fill(255, 80);// FILL COLOR WHITE, A BIT TRANSPARENT rect(mouseX, height/2, mouseY/2+10, mouseY/2+10); // DRAW RECTANGLE fill(255, 80); rect(width-mouseX, height/2, ((height-mouseY)/2)+10, ((height-mouseY)/2)+10); }

9 9 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Check commands on reference page  Browse reference page  Or –Highlight a command –Check its description

10 10 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Try changing the program changed window size draw borders black background black background fill solid green fill solid green reduce y (which goes down) for the center of circle Draw circle

11 11 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Make a header in the file  Course name  Project number and title  Your name  Date created

12 12 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Save and export  Save As “MyMouse2D” –Creates a MyMouse2D folder –Saves your program in it as MyMouse2D.pde  Export –Creates an applet folder in the MyMouse2D folder –Go there and click on index.html It will open a web page With your applet running –Click in the window to activate it

13 13 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Edit the index.html web page  Open it in some html editor –Dreamweaver –Taco HTML Edit  Change title  Insert (as shown in the next slide) –Course name –Project number and title –Your name (with link to home page), –Email link –Date submitted

14 14 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Save edited index.html

15 15 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Upload to a web server  Upload the whole MyMouse2D directory  Try it by accessing your version of:

16 16 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac data folder *IMPORTANT* In the folder of your applet, create a folder called data Copy there: - The data files that your program reads - The font files your program uses for writing in the window Tools > Create Font…. will create the font you want in the data folder of your sketch You must copy it to the data folder of your applet

17 17 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Make your PPP  Create your Personal Project Page, with –Course title –your picture –First then last name (linked to your home page), –Email  Add an entry for new your project –Project number –Title –Completion date –Name of partner(s) if team project  Email the TA with –course number and project number (for example “CS4450-P1”), in the subject line –Your name (and the names of other team members) –Which email you want to be contacted at –The URL of your PPP

18 18 SIC / CoC / Georgia Tech MAGIC Lab Rossignac Assigned Reading  –setup, draw, size, width, height, mouseX, mouseY –boolean, true, false, Logical Operators –if, else, Relational Operators –int, for –print, println –Boolean(), byte, binary(), unbinary(), String(), char, charAt() –color, rect –text, PFont, loadFont

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