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 Group: COAHUILTECANS & KARANKAWAS  Coahuiltecans- Lived on the southern coast  Lived in temporary dwellings made of mud and animal skins  Semi-arid.

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Presentation on theme: " Group: COAHUILTECANS & KARANKAWAS  Coahuiltecans- Lived on the southern coast  Lived in temporary dwellings made of mud and animal skins  Semi-arid."— Presentation transcript:



3  Group: COAHUILTECANS & KARANKAWAS  Coahuiltecans- Lived on the southern coast  Lived in temporary dwellings made of mud and animal skins  Semi-arid brush land  Hunted deer & smaller animals  Gathered mesquite beans, nuts, berries, cacti, worms, lizards, insects & roots

4  Group 2: KARANKAWAS  Lived between Corpus Christi and Galveston  Made dugout canoes  Gathered food in rivers  Marshy areas  Used shark & alligator grease as mosquito repellent

5  Groups: CADDOES, ATAKAPANS, ALABAMA- COUSHATTAS  Lived in an area of fertile soil and plenty of rainfall  Cleared forests and planted crops  Pumpkins, beans and corn  Hunted  Built permanent dwellings with timber  Created colorful crafts  Rugs, baskets, and pottery  Developed trade networks and complex societies

6  Group: CADDOES  Largest East Texas group- along Angelina and Neches Rivers  Built sturdy grass lodges  Lived in villages  Caddi- Chief  joined together to form federations. Ex: the Hasinai Confederacy  Women played important role- controlled entire family

7  Group: ATAKAPANS  Southeast Texas/Southwest Louisiana  Marshy wetlands  Hunted small animals from dugout canoes  Gathered roots, berries, shellfish

8  Group: ALABAMA- COUSHATTAS  Came from Alabama in 1700s  Trinity River  1780s- moved to Big Thicket area  Lived in cabins  Skilled in making baskets & crafts

9  North, West, and Central Texas  Groups: APACHES, COMANCHES, & KIOWAS  Essential resource: the buffalo  Used everything: meat, bones, skin  Buffalo herds constantly migrated therefore the tribes following them were nomadic  Dangerous hunting lives

10  Group: APACHES  Moved into Texas in 1600s  Mescalero Apaches- raided other groups in West Texas  Lipan Apaches- hunted and lived in farming communities  Hunted- wore high boots of soft leather  Enemies: the Comanches


12  Group: COMANCHES  Migrated from Canada in the 1700s  Fierce warriors  Skilled at riding horses  “lords of the plains”  skilled traders  Depended on horses  Women wore finely decorated buckskin dresses

13  Group: KIOWAS  Moved from South Dakota & Montana in late 1700s  Joined with the Comanches  Master riders, among the most feared native groups  Painted pictures of important events on tepees  Made beautiful beaded crafts  Developed a calendar

14  Groups: JUMANOS & TIGUAS  Group: JUMANOS  Lived along the Rio Grande from El Paso to the Big Bend area  Square, one roomed houses made of adobe  Planted crops along the river


16  Group: TIGUAS  Came to Texas in the late 1600s with Spanish settlers  Formed community, Ysleta del Sur “Little Island of the South”  Lived in adobe houses and cooked food in adobe ovens  Grew crops & corn  Hunted  Made beautiful pottery

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