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People of the Eastern Woodland By manar. Habitat The winter weather-cold and snowy The summer weather-hot and the sun is out Resources-they used wood.

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Presentation on theme: "People of the Eastern Woodland By manar. Habitat The winter weather-cold and snowy The summer weather-hot and the sun is out Resources-they used wood."— Presentation transcript:

1 People of the Eastern Woodland By manar

2 Habitat The winter weather-cold and snowy The summer weather-hot and the sun is out Resources-they used wood from trees Storms-thunder storms

3 Homes Wigwams or wickiups were made of sticks wood and some grass and animal skin.

4 Foods The Eastern Woodlands ate bear woodland buffalo rabbit beaver squirrel wild turkey and berries beans squash fruit and nuts.

5 Jobs/Cores The men and boys hunted and fished. The women and girls made cornhusk dolls and grass baskets.

6 Artifacts They made bows and arrows spears and they made fishing nets and canoes.

7 Clothing The women and girls made the clothing and the men hunted for the skin.

8 Transportation They used horses and they used canoes.

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