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MINISTRY OF HEALTH PRESENTATION AT THE IBFAN- AFRICA 9 TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE Translating the 3 rd February 2016Strategy for Infant and Young Child Jacent.

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Presentation on theme: "MINISTRY OF HEALTH PRESENTATION AT THE IBFAN- AFRICA 9 TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE Translating the 3 rd February 2016Strategy for Infant and Young Child Jacent."— Presentation transcript:

1 MINISTRY OF HEALTH PRESENTATION AT THE IBFAN- AFRICA 9 TH REGIONAL CONFERENCE Translating the 3 rd February 2016Strategy for Infant and Young Child Jacent Kamuntu Asiimwe (PhD)

2 Background  33% of children under five in Uganda are stunted 14% are under weight 5% are wasted and 4% overweight.  43% stunting in 23-35months age-group.  Only 62% of children below 6months exclusively breastfed and 6 % given appropriate complementary feeding after 6 months.  27% WRA are anaemic

3 Mandate Under UNAP  Improve access to and utilisation of services related to maternal, infant, and young child nutrition.  Enhance consumption of diverse diets  Strengthen the policy, legal, and institutional frameworks and the capacity to effectively plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate nutrition programmes.

4 Core Areas  Management of acute Malnutrition (MAM, SAM)  Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)  Maternal Nutrition  Food Fortification  Micronutrient Supplementation  Growth Monitoring Promotion  Monitoring and evaluation.

5 Enabling Environment for MIYCN  IYCF policy guidelines  Maternal nutrition policy guidelines  Updated Child Health Days guidelines to ICHDs guidelines.  IMAM guidelines updated.  Reviewed and updated BFHI training manuals.  Code revised  Developing a comprehensive micronutrient guidelines and regulations for food fortification.  Anaemia strategy in final stages of development

6 MIYCN Interventions  Home food fortification through MNPs  Industrial fortification (in collaboration with Ministry of trade)  Vitamin A supplementation and deworming through integrated child health days  Food-based recipes using locally available and acceptable foods for children 6-23months using OPTI food for both breast fed and non breast fed.  NE on appropriate feeding practices to care-givers through the SBCC strategy.  BFHI Implementation.

7 MIYCN Interventions con’t  IFA supplementation to school girls.  IFA supplementation to all pregnant women during ANC visits  Growth Monitoring promotion supported by ANI

8 Monitoring and Evaluation  Included nutrition indicators in the paper based HMIS and captured in DHIS2

9 Capacity Building  District Teams trained in BFHI  District nutrition focal persons and trained in HMIS for appropriate data capture  Trainings of regional biostatisticians and nutritionists in the new HMIS  Provision of GMP equipment to health facilities.  VHTs and health workers trained in GMP measurements.

10 Challenges  Under funding  Limited human resource capacity

11 Way forward  Scale up ANI country-wide  Develop comprehensive MIYCN roadmap  Strengthen MAM at all health facility and community levels  Strengthen BFHI and BFCI  Work place baby friendly corners.  Community NE  Over nutrition

12 Thank you

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