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© Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 1 Optional Week 1 Day 3 Objective: Divide multiples of 10 and 100 by single digit numbers, e.g. 240 ÷ 6.

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Presentation on theme: "© Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 1 Optional Week 1 Day 3 Objective: Divide multiples of 10 and 100 by single digit numbers, e.g. 240 ÷ 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 1 Optional Week 1 Day 3 Objective: Divide multiples of 10 and 100 by single digit numbers, e.g. 240 ÷ 6

2 © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 1 Optional Week 1 Day 3 Chant the facts for the 60 and 600x tables... 1 x 60 = 60 2 x 60 = 120 3 x 60 = 180 4 x 60 = 240 5 x 60 = 300 6 x 60 = 360 7 x 60 = 420 8 x 60 = 480 9 x 60 = 540 10 x 60 = 600 11 x 60 = 660 12 x 60 = 720 1 x 600 = 600 2 x 600 = 1200 3 x 600 = 1800 4 x 600 = 2400 5 x 600 = 3000 6 x 600 = 3600 7 x 600 = 4200 8 x 600 = 4800 9 x 600 = 5400 10 x 600 = 6000 11 x 600 = 6600 12 x 600 = 7200 How many 60s are in... How many 600s are in...

3 © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 1 Optional Week 1 Day 3 40 120 80 400 200 360 240 320 280 440 160 Choose a number from the outer ring and work out what it has been divided by to give 40. Work with a partner to write a number sentence for each. 2 minutes enough time..? Choose a number from the outer ring and work out what it has been divided by to give 40. Work with a partner to write a number sentence for each. 2 minutes enough time..? ÷ 3 ÷ 11 ÷ 4 ÷ 2 ÷ 7 ÷ 8 ÷ 10 ÷ 5 ÷ 9 ÷ 6

4 © Hamilton Trust Keeping Up Term 1 Optional Week 1 Day 3 Pair a white card with a yellow card to make a division number sentence, then find the answer, e.g. 4800 360 2400 30 2400 6 = 400 ÷ 420 6 How many can you do in 3 minutes?

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